<p>Marxism over tea. I did that once... although, it was southern sweet tea and on a mosquito-infested night (but of course--I live in Florida, land of swamps).</p>
<p>Marxism and tea at Brown should be several steps up from that.</p>
<p>Marxism over tea. I did that once... although, it was southern sweet tea and on a mosquito-infested night (but of course--I live in Florida, land of swamps).</p>
<p>Marxism and tea at Brown should be several steps up from that.</p>
<p>kids...i leave for summer@brown a week from today. i will be there for three weeks and i know i am going to fall [even more] in love and be absolutely heartbroken if i am not accepted....</p>
<p>Fids: no no no I do!!!!! Ani's all mine!! :D </p>
<p>Adero: Bela fleck and the fleck tones also rocks my world. </p>
<p>BTW I'm an 08 transfer student. Couldn't be more excited.</p>
<p>adero -- you can always apply to transfer. the acceptance rate is higher than for freshman. That's what I did, and it WORKED. Third time is the charm....</p>
<p>I'm so addicted to that song, "Not A Pretty Girl."</p>
<p>"I have been working all of my life, and I am a patriot, I have been fighting the good fight. But what if there are no damsels in distress?"</p>
<p>oh, I'm going to be at the Brown summer program for 3 weeks too!
But, I'm in 3B (starts from July 17th), not 3A...
Which course are you taking?>aderoberts</p>
<p>Effulgent omg that was the first ani difranco song i ever heard <em>swoon</em></p>
<p>"what if there are no damsels in distress, what if i knew that, and i called your bluff. don't you think every kitten figures out how to get down, whether or not you ever show her?"</p>
<p>i am taking philosophy east to west. it's kind of a comparison course; i am very excited.</p>
<p>That course sounds interesting:)
I'm taking the integrated course with RISD.
I think it's called Fashionioning Ourselves: The Fabric of Identity..</p>
<p>Do any of you guys listen to Imogen Heap? She's one of my fave songstresses.</p>
<p>I like her better than Ani DiFranco (whom, I have to admit, I'm not a HUGE fan of).</p>
<p>haven't heard of her...will check out. limewire here i come...</p>
<p>What are the best Ani songs? I have like 20 burned on a CD (although, they're all from different albums).</p>
<p>imogen heap! yes! discovered thanks to the last episode of the OC. see, it's good for something!</p>
<p>i have to disagree! I love the show, but I hate what it does to good music. I remember right after the season finale last year, when they played "halleulja" or however you spell it by Jeff Buckley, it was #1 single in the itunes music store. Maybe I'm being a snob, but I don't feel like songs like that shoul dbe consumed like Britney Spears songs by angsty teenagers. I'm definitely beign a snob haha</p>
<p>Speaking of Limewire, I'm a technological ditz, so how do I get my limewire tunes onto my itunes library itself so I can add them to my ipod? Muchos gracias!</p>
<p>Well, I definitely understand your point, but I guess I view it more as educating the masses and bringing good music to people who only know Britney. I think that often people like being the only enlightened ones; their enjoyment of the music decreases when everyone else catches up, nevermind that the music hasn't changed at all. I'm guilty of it too though, no worries!
- sneakypete, who will still be downloading whatever songs she hears on the oc (legally)</p>
<p>If that's a pointed remark in my direction: Guilty as charged, but hey, at least I download from itunes, too. I'm half guilty...which is still guilty...</p>
<p>haha no, LP, it wasn't. started typing that before you posted. funny though</p>
<p>I must confess...I am a huge music snob like that as well. I used to LOVE Jeff Buckley--you should check out his album Grace if you like Hallelujah, even though all of the songs are totally different--and when everyone was talking about that song and asking who it was by post-OC season finale, I became less enchanted. I think the original version of the song, which is by Leonard Cohen, is in Shrek.</p>
<p>Anyway, I know that it's TOTALLY lame and hypocritical to be a music snob like that and to like lesser known musicians more (and keep them to myself), but I like feeling elite. And I hate when dumb people (Britney people) listen to good music and totally don't understand/appreciate it enough. So I guess that's my defense.</p>
<p>Amen, aderoberts, amen. And I do own Grace, great cd</p>