Brown Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Gone for my S22 as well

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So, it’s happening for everyone?


It’s no longer available for me too.

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Does anyone know what time decisions will be released tomorrow? Its going to be a stressful day tomorrow. It will be for many their last decision. Good luck to everyone.


It’s going to be 7 pm eastern time (4 pm pacific).

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can’t see the link either. i refreshed the banner self service portal i had pulled up and it made me enter email/pw, then told me i was unauthorized

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I submitted a performance supplement with my application. Some schools, and some Slide Room set-up guidelines, only allowed the upload before submit was clicked. These were due in 2021.

The decision has been made and I am sure a performance supplement, while part of a holistic review, carries very little weight unless it is in their major. (If it was in their major then, yay those should have gone in by the app deadline.)

I think doing the Brown two minute video gives the University a neat, great, quick glimpse in to those students who opted to do one. That was a unique feature in my admissions process. :brown_circle::white_circle::red_circle::brown_circle::white_circle::red_circle::bear:

Do you guys think it’s possible to get in without having submitted the video?


We were never able to see this self service portal or those 3 tabs. Wondering if we aren’t using the right link or its a bad sign. Is there a way you are navigating there from the main portal? Here is what we see.

Not overly thinking about this - don’t think she has a great chance and already pretty committed to UCLA. But her dad went to Brown and has always loved it.


The self-service link was in that third column (where the Brown seal is).

Got it, thanks!

We didn’t apply for financial aid. So, maybe that’s why.

Yeah, that would probably be it.

Yeah, totally! I didn’t even know applicants went ALL OUT with them. I didn’t even make a slideshow or anything like that. I just took a quick video of myself in the car while I was at the DMV. :sob:


If my financial aid portal only had the fasfsa and css was that a bad sign?

No I doesn’t mean anything

This will be my daughters final decision, and I am really looking forward to it all being over. Time to start focusing on the acceptances and the programs that are available! Good luck to everyone tonight, but please remember Brown is incredibly hard to get into any year, much less this one!


Four short years ago our family visited Brown. As we walked up the hill to the Van Wickle gate this was the passage we walked by.

I saw it as a positive omen.

Wishing all of you a yes and fulfillment and happiness wherever you wind up!


In previous years it was, but this year we won’t know until decisions are released. But am really hoping it means nothing!

I don’t think it necessarily means anything other than the financial aid office didn’t feel like they needed more info. My D22 has been accepted to a couple schools where there was a big list of files and a couple that had just the 2 files. The schools that had the big list gave a little bit of money, the schools that had two files seem to think I can afford $80k out of pocket. :grin: :rofl:
Of course it could indicate either scenario, (i.e. - they don’t need more info because they know you aren’t accepted) really no way to tell. But I don’t think it definitively indicates one way or the other.