Brown Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022


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rejected </3 I really liked Brown but it is what it is.

accepted: UPenn, WashU, UC Berkeley, UCLA, UCSD, UCSB, UC Davis, UW Seattle + Honors
waitlisted: Columbia, Tufts, UNC Chapel Hill, CMU, BU
rejected: Harvard, Princeton, Yale, Brown
waiting on: Stanford


Ok, Looked up stats and WL last year took a total of 34 of about 2000. So that’s essentially a “no,” in our mind.

(Side note: I can’t even tell you how FEW students were waitlisted in my daughter’s graduating class of 2020. This whole thing is so friggin crazy. This waitlist usage is tortuous and really detrimental to moving forward.)

To add to above:

Waitlisted: Brown, Middlebury, Wesleyan

Accepted: WashU, Vassar, Univ of Rochester (Dean’s Scholarship), Lafayette (Marquis Scholar), Trinity University (the Hartford, CT one)

ED Deferred, then Denied: Williams

Oh the irony that they only hard no came from the school that had her heart. Ah well, she’d murder me if I made the “you’ll find the school meant for you” statement tonight, but we’ll get there. Now to go on yet more visits :woman_shrugging:t2:


Seeing the detailed list of FA docs (1040s, W2s etc) w/ recent download dates (March 4 in our case) after the FAFSA and CSS which were still dated Nov.

FWIW (for future researchers), D22 sent an update on 3/1 to all schools that she had won 2 regional awards and was NMF. Those registered on 3/2. the documents were listed as downloaded on 3/4 at both Brown and Dartmouth.


D was waitlisted at Brown. No Ivy for her.
Accepted: UCLA, Barnard, USC (film school) Berkeley.
Now she just has to make her decision by May 1st.
I think the wait list is pretty hopeless.


Seems like a LOT of waitlists at Brown
 I would not give up hope as I am sure there are a lot of kids who got into Brown and also into HYPS. Does anyone know how many off the waitlist last year?

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Rejected as expected with no video submitted and no idoc download. It’s his only rejection from 19 apps so, although he loved Brown, we can’t be too upset.

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Prior years a little better (see CDS below). Please keep in mind yield last year was a record high 66%.

Good luck!!

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Thank you for stats.

I’m confused because we’ve never dealt with a waiting list before this year (now have three!) - if it’s not ranked, is it just a lottery? No particular rhyme or reason? Or do they reconsider each app as they go to look for an open spot (a la a deferred application going into regular decision?)

Never been here before - we’re considering it just a no, but she’d probably be inclined to stay on one if she doesn’t close the door completely.


It’s not ranked. It will depend on where the holes are. They are still “crafting” the class. In a different thread who’s daughter got off the Princeton WL said she sent a couple of short updates after the LOCI, spreading them out and always saving something for the next. It sounded like a good strategy IMO.

ETA: Also, some GCs will pick up the phone and advocate. Ours will but only if we commit to going if offered a spot.


If you are the second best kid from North Dakota and ND1 chooses Stanford you likely get the nod, top full pay kid on WL from Florida and they lose a similar kid you are offered a spot, etc.

Not globally ranked but ranked amongst descriptions that are unique to Brown and elusive to those outside their AO offices.

They will also evaluate based on expressed interest. They won’t go to WL unless they have every reason to believe the student will accept. Either aggressively express WL school is first choice in LOCI or understand that you are wasting your time.


One more thing
 Some schools will CALL to offer a WL spot. I say this bc my DD is probably not the only one out there who never bothered to set up her voicemail.


Accepted!!! :brown_heart: :tada: :champagne:


Ah, got it. Thanks for the information - that all makes sense. And very much appreciate the advice that she should be absolutely committed to wanting to go if she pursues the WL.

She’s from a private school in Maryland where there is surely a bunch of other WL. Maybe she could fall into female, STEM Comp Sci but that’s not a rarity either. Was hoping her technical theatre would have helped, but not enough.

I’m hoping we get to where she’s ready to make a decision and look ahead on her own.

(Funny anecdote - my sister was waitlisted to Brown back in the 90s. She was accepted to Stanford and went there. She was actually later accepted to Brown from the WL and - when it was still the mail days wrote “Too little, too late” on the Brown acceptance postcard. :rofl: So to all the waitlisters out there, find your school so for everywhere else, it’s “too little, too late!” LOL PS the school guidance counselor was NOT thrilled. Don’t do what she did, kids!)


Rejected at Brown, the final decision of the long crazy process. DS22 wrote his best essays (each was a gem) and put best foot forward for Brown application (only Ivy applied, but madly in love with it) and we are just proud of his attempt. Will take him some time to recover from the dream he lived for 3 months. But a 3.5% acceptance rate is a seemingly immovable object.

Congrats to all who were accepted! Make the most of the opportunity. All the rest have other great options to put heart into with post Ivy day clarity.

Accepted: USC, Middlebury, Wesleyan, Reed, UCSB (OOS), UCSD (OOS).


I loved the essays my DD wrote for Brown app too. I learned even more about her.

Well said @Greatlakes2022 that we should all be proud of their hard work and effort. :heart:


deferred ED and accepted RD! so grateful :slight_smile:


Did u send in any additional materials after the defferal? Just wondering :relieved:

Brutal, but good to know. This process has taken enough mental bandwidth for our entire family (including our dog). D got into Georgetown SFS and wants to be in international cultural affairs or other public service. Not sure Brown is better for that in any case and DC, well, kicks Providence’s butt 100x over.