Brown Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

For the ones that got accepted, did your portal change? Follow up, for the ones that got rejected, did your portal change?

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Yes, I submitted a letter of continued interest.


D22 was rejected. Visited the campus several times and loved Brown but is moving on! Congratulations to all admits!


Congrats Class of 2026!

Parents: This page is helpful if you can ignore some of the distracting comments. brown university parents/guardians group on Facebook. I believe there is a 2026 page also.


FWIW, Barnard is one of 4 undergraduate colleges at Columbia U. All CU students graduate together with the Columbia U degree, and they all compete in the Ivy League.

Congratulations, your daughter was among that 8% of exceptional women who were accepted this year.


ED1 Deferred → RD rejected
Neuroscience major/pre-medical track, asian male, OOS (NY)
1540/35, 97UW/104W, 14AP’s, good-ish EC’s, solid essays, solid LOR’s, sent LOCI

I am a tiny bit bummed out as Brown was my top choice, I was holding onto the sliver of hope for today after the deferral but wasn’t expecting too much with the 50,000 applications and what seems like a sub-5% admit rate. Congrats to everyone who was accepted! I hope all of you will thrive as Brunonians. For those who didn’t get in, be proud of the effort you put into applying and learning more about yourselfes, and know that you will succed anywhere

On the flip side, this makes my college selection process much easier - now I can narrow my list of 21 schools down to largely Emory/Oxford and BC.


intl needing full-ride first deferred ED, then rejected hard, even had an idoc request in March. there is no correlation between them.

Son was waitlisted. Is sending LOCI.

35 - one sitting
Captain of two sports
Nat’l honor society Co-President
All state saxopohonist

Admitted to UVA, Ohio State Honors, Fordham, Syracuse. NYU
Deferred and waitlisted - University of Michigan, Georgetown
Rejected - BC, Columbia

Did anyone get info on accepted student day(s)? Will Brown have one prior to May 1st to help kids deciding between two schools?

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Nevermind. I found it; April 8, 13 and 22.


Those are all outstanding acceptances!

 Barnard is part of Columbia U. That’s Ivy.


No place is better (or probably even as good
) for IR than/as Georgetown SFS. Congrats!


Stats please!!

Not to dwell on the matter but do you think the legacy situation could be a slight nod against her here? I do not believe legacies get a free pass, but it’s a tiebreaker between otherwise equally qualified students. I wonder if it would also break the tie the other way
. Stats are clearly not an issue here (we were WL too - got me thinking)

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Was the comment about legacy for me - wasn’t sure?

If so, I have felt all along that the legacy situation wasn’t helpful to my daughters once both decided they didn’t want to go where we did (not that it would have really helped there anyway). I really don’t want to sound like I’m pouring on some privileged grudge here. Both my ex-husband and I were first and only gen to an Ivy after working our asses off to get to Princeton. (Fathers Rutgers and SUNY Geneseo). No relative before and then neither child wanted the same path after. Which we fully supported.

But I think there could be a scenerio where they would look a student with her qualifications and assume she’ll apply to Princeton where we went - or other Ivies of that type
when the reality is that only my youngest applied to a single Ivy
and that was Brown. It was the only one that she saw having the academics and environment she wanted.

I think I commented somewhere else that she should have written a “Why not my parents” short answer bc she is very intentional in her choices and wanted something all her own.

C’est la vie, right?


It was! I remembered you talking about that and relating to both lamenting and going “oh well” at the same time.

It is obvious that the issue is not her qualifications, so it got me wondering
 not that we will never know.

If you consider the strong connection alumni tent to have with Princeton, it would not surprise me if data (which I’m sure they have) shows that children of alumni who are more likely to follow their parents footsteps than not.

And FWIW I have all along admired how calm and objective you have been through this crazy ride.


Congrats to all who were accepted! :partying_face:
D was rejected, not surprised but still a little bummed though very grateful for the acceptances she has. Good luck to all finishing this phase of college admissions!


Same here! I wonder what the outcome is for deferred kids as a whole


@TonyGrace Following up on our convo (in frustration, a bit) - my DD heard from her college counselor that one of the smaller schools she’s in with a scholarship called and said they really are vying for her but assume she’ll go to Princeton since she was a double parent alum. To which the counselor replies, “Ha, well, surprise, she didn’t even apply. Never even considered it.”

I feel like we should have figured out a way to indicate that somehow bc I do think it may have hurt her acceptances at some of the other competitive schools that assumed she’d probably be applying and likely to go, so they wanted to protect their yield. Especially painful for a child who knows herself well and chose not to just throw applications in everywhere. (And, ahem, at the very least, the college counselor should have made the point abundantly clear! Brown was the only Ivy she pursued having seen all of them bc she’s very clear on what she thought was a fit. Grrr)

While I’m hoping she falls in love w one of her acceptance and look forward from not getting into her clear dream of Williams, I think she’ll probably stay on the WL for Brown and send her 3Q report card and a LOCI.

Sigh. Hindsight always 20/20, right?

PS To anyone else with someone on the Brown Waitlist, I made another post in the Brown forum. I still don’t think there’s going to be much movement, but it’s a spot where people can gather and discuss as the time passes.

I am so bummed for her! I was actually thinking today
 is there a way not to disclose that? If she had so so stats it would be one thing, but she is clearly competitive for Princeton.

I’m also like “Ha! I knew it!” I am going to be cheering for her. Keep me posted on any developments. And DM me if you feel like it - I am happy to share the nuggets of info am collecting from our college office.

Williams - it was love at first mention of “tutorials”