Brown Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

I know it sounds ridiculous - but she’s already not a first Gen percentage, right? It’s just not right to ask the question on the common app of where parents and family attended - and then not offer a checkbox that’s says something like “Not considering.” Ugh. It lingered in the back of my mind but there wasn’t a way to fit it in her common app essay and it seems too direct for the “tell us anything else spot” - and then neither Williams or Middlebury asked any single other question or short answer. So I guess that nagging worry played out like I expected.

The longest apps she had - WashU and University or Rochester - accepted. And at least waitlisted at Brown which also asked more (never got an interview so has to settle for sending the short video). Video for WashU as well. So lesson learned there for future students out there is that you’ve got to use every opportunity to make sure you are seen fully!

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I don’t think they offered interviews this year. Only the video. I’ll have to ask DD if anyone ever brought it up in her interviews.


interviews were not offered this year.


Oh interesting - even the Alumni option? On the website it looked like they were still available by zoom, but in very limited supply. We were in RD pool anyway after she was deferred from Williams, so we assumed she wouldn’t have gotten a slot anyway.

The video was fine - I like any opportunity for them to be able to show their genuine self. Obv still WL but it’s something for her to be proud of, no matter what

Thx for info!

Anybody here accepted to PLME?
My son is accepted. We are visiting on April 13. Would love to connect.

I am hoping I didn’t misspeak. I am pretty sure that Brown does not offer admissions-officer interviews anymore, and they suspended the alumni/ae interview program for academic year 21-22 – they encouraged students to submit the 2-minute video instead. I have not seen any specific posting about the suspension of the alumni interview program for 22-23, but I recall several previous interviewers posted on this site that they were told it was suspended for 22-23. I have also been an alumni/ae interviewer in the past, and was not contacted this year to participate, so I think it has been discontinued for 22-23 as well.

That was my impression as well.

Oh well - what a bittersweet ride. I vividly remember, since having first decided to apply ED to Brown as my top choice, every step of my journey — from typing every individual word of my supplemental essays and endlessly editing them, filming and re-filming every second of my 2-minute video countless times, opening my deferral letter in the middle of a fencing meet, writing my oh-so-glamorous LOCI, and finally the moment of rejection on Ivy Day that I, surprisingly and not surprisingly, wasn’t very bitter about at all.

Congratulations to those accepted, and I hope you will all thrive as Brunonians. For those on the waitlist, I hope you will either be taken off the waitlist or find another college that fits you better; the latter goes to everyone that didn’t get in as well.

Peace out. Emory 2026 baby!!!


Your message is very heartfelt and heartwarming. Best of luck to you. Emory is amazing and you will do well.
My daughter was waitlisted, but at this point will go for UC Berkeley

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I know I’m late but I was accepted for the fall of 2022! I was deferred ED but accepted RD. Very excited to be a Bruno! Please reach out to me. I am concentrating in environmental science/public health. Congratulations to everyone!


Oh, wow. Do they research parents?

The things I did not know!

It’s listed on the common app, at least for some schools, so not much research needed.

Yes. There were no admissions interviews nor were there alum interviews this year. I am sure I saw this on their website. The only “interview” option was the video.

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I don’t remember this. Though, of course, I am not the one filling it out! They literally ask where the parents went to college? Bizarre.
Good thing I went to a no-name college, and my husband is from the UK.

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I’m pretty sure that on the Common App, they ask where the parents went to college. My son filled it out last year, so it’s a bit hazy.

@scattermomgram , can you confirm?

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Yes, it’s in the biographical information part for all the family members. Also where they work, position, how high of a degree they have earned.

Then the schools themselves typically ask if anyone in your family is or was affiliated with the school via employment, etc

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Oh, yes. I do remember this now. I just never noticed the part about what school the parents went to. That is so unnecessary and invasive. Degree & uni affiliation, I get. Maybe where work, though that seems a little out of scope.

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Yep - as stated above. They asked all our schools and degrees (Princeton for both, Stanford GSB for her father MBA, Johns Hopkins for my MA in history) plus where her sister went (Davidson, class of 2024). Nowhere does it let her indicate that she was not applying to any one of those schools. Because she knows herself and her goals, interests, personal needs for a college environment - and even with a cxn, those weren’t it. But, sigh, two colleges now have mentioned to the school GC that they assumed with her stats that she’d apply and go to one or the family alma maters.

Trying to figure out how maybe to positively express in her LOCI that she chose Brown with intention, applying to no other Ivy and no legacy school, because it was about where she could see herself, learn, and expand her personal and academic horizons. :woman_shrugging:t2:


No expert - but thinking she could probably sneak in the start or conclusion something about being fortunate to have a family that supports her own path and picking her colleges intentionally since she will have made a strong case for Brown?

As we’ve said so many times - the Ivies are so different from each other. What is that one thing that only Brown had to offer? I get the impression that she is also quite the excellent writer. She will be able to get this across.

I know I am the one that brought this up in the first place but I am quite fascinated that it is not just my wild theory. What schools have expressed this if you don’t mind the question? And if you are getting this info through your CC office, can they offer a note (if not a phone call) to Brown? Ours said another recommendation letter per se was not needed but that she could write a note giving more context to her story and spring accomplishments.


Hi! Congrats on acceptance to PLME! My daughter is a junior. Could you share the stats, and what “extras” your child did to be accepted into PLME, and what gaps we may be able to fill between now and a few months from now.