Starting a thread because I don’t think there is one yet - DD waitlisted at Brown and thought we could use a place for fellow 2022 WLers
The odds don’t look great based on the article about last year, but it’s still part of this fun year of college admissions, right?
Join us in the waiting game…
P.S. Reading the WL threads for 2020 vs 2021 was a trip - so indicative of the craziness of the pandemic years. In 2020, there were waves of acceptances. Students spontaneously getting acceptances and good news, even as early as third week of April. 2021… crickets. Wasn’t until May that those 34 waitlisters heard “yes,” while the other thousand plus were all a no. Sigh.
DD22 waitlisted - still interested while visiting her other options
Accepted: WashU, Vassar, Univ of Rochester (w Dean’s Scholarship), Lafayette (Marquis Scholarship), Trinity College
Waitlisted: Brown, Middlebury, Wesleyan
Deferred/Denied: Williams
D’s profile:
GPA 4.0/4.9 W
SAT 1580 (800 on math)
AP Class 12 total (5 on all taken so far, except 3 on French)
AP Scholar with Distinction
Extracurricular Above average, mostly related to her major, comp sci / CyberPatriot (computer science competition team) president at her all-girls school, National council of women in technology winner for three years, v softball
Submitted arts supplement for technical theatre (She’s head of technical theatre and stage management)
Visiting Laf, University of Rochester, Vassar, and WashU in next two weeks.
We’re really seeing WLs as denials, but Brown would likely be the one she still pursued. Send a LOCI etc.
Look forward to hearing from others
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Posting Info - article on last year and then graphics on 2018-2020 helpfully provided by @TonyGrace - help to ground the reality. I mean, each pandemic year has been unpredictable but I would think we’re more in a 2021 scenario.
I wouldn’t say that. If I had to bet it would be on the opposite. Last year colleges has to absorb the ‘20s who deferred enrollment and took a gap year. At Williams, for example, that was 20% of the class, and many of them ended up over enrolled.
I don’t think nearly as many ‘21s did but colleges are aware that their yield algorithm is not as accurate in the current environment where top students sent out record numbers of applications to top colleges. As a result they were likely more conservative in acceptance numbers, preferring to go into the WL than having to absorb over enrollment.
I also agree that the 2020 experience is less likely - that’s when many spots opened up because students decided not to attend remote school caused by pandemic.
Hmmm, maybe @TonyGrace ? Would be better?
My thought though is that the year was so unpredictable for acceptances - and many did not get in places they thought they might, so people are taking the spots they got. My daughter only applied to one Ivy but reading posts about results on Ivy day, it seemed like people were getting only one or maybe two acceptances. They’re gonna take the brass ring they’ve got in reach.
But generally this year is gonna be another one they write about so who knows?? As they add back the testing requirement at some, it’ll be interesting to see what happens.
That! Who knows?
Last year less movement, the year before more…. But everything is spoken in terms of trends and so hard to predict for a single school.
Yield is less volatile at more desirable schools and when you are talking Ivy most are happy enough to go with the one they got. Kids get off NESCACS waitlists all the time, and it’s not unheard of at Ivy.
My position is that you have to be realistic about a WL and should move on with your life - allow yourself to explore and fall in love with option two. But you should also play the WL game if there is a school you think you want more. Send in your letters, updates and what not. It you get a call, great! If you don’t, you don’t have to wonder what if. A lot of times kids have already moved on by the time that call comes. You don’t have to say yes just because that school was once at the top of your list.
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I don’t think many students were accepted off of NESCAc waitlists last year.
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They weren’t but last year they had to absorb a lot of gap year students. A couple of them ended up quite over enrolled for that reason.
Has anyone emailed an admissions officer asking if they plan to use the waitlist this year?
SuperTutor video didn’t have statistics for Brown specifically, but it should have hovered around 3.4 percent or lower for last year. 
Great info, all - thank you so much! It’s really helpful to know so she can make a decision about staying on WL or not if she likes an accepted option.
I wish Brown had some way that the WL kids could do some part of the admit day bc essentially you’re forgoing other schools and are operating on less information. Guess we’ll have to fit that in on our own. Hmmm.
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Wishing you luck in whichever outcome and path you choose.
If accepted off the WL you will typically have 2 weeks before you have to commit. During that period if you are able to get to campus you can work with the admissions office, specific departments or students to get in a detailed visit and or overnight.
Good luck.
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Really? From the examples I heard it is often 24 hours, sometimes 72 hours.
In years past my kid hosted a student who was within the two week window having been taken off the wait list the first week of May and having a deadline of third week. I also confirmed my kids current housemate who came off waitlist in 2018 was given a two week window to commit.
Cant speak for every kid but that seems to be the standard.
yes it has ranged from 10 days to 2 weeks I think
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I think Brown needs to pick up over 100 from its WL this year. I saw from my area, a few (4) students got admissions to multiple Ivy League schools, only one of them will take Brown as the top choice.
Interesting. Well, we’ll see. Nothing has been predictable this year. She’s sending her LOCi and 3rd quarter grades, plus award she’s won in comp sci since application.
Heading to WashU tonight. Admit experience is everyday in April there (in small groups).
Are there other Waitlist parents or students - or has everyone abandoned ship? Lol
We did put a letter of continuous interest today. However, we have two good options in hand. Will decide on the options we have in a week or two