Purpose of this thread is to just discuss about how you are handling the whole wait-list deal as a transfer and if anyone has any information of past transfer wait list stats or current yield/retention rates at Brown? I know this may be a pointless thread to make given that decisions come out in 2 weeks but I am sure some of you who have confirmed your place on the wait-list are as nervous as I am because the outcome of our decisions being favorable is small to none…or I may be wrong? who knows? Do you? If so please share and discuss!!
Also let me know what College you are trying to transfer from! I am currently at The College of William and Mary.
Note: At this point I would not mind transferring over by Fall 2015 or Spring 2016, as long as I get in I will be more than ecstatic to attend.
Hi @BatWonder77 I also chose to stay at Brown’s waiting list. I called the admissions office a few days ago and they told me that the admissions are handled on a rolling basis, and will continue to offer admissions until the end of this month.
I don’t know if they have already chosen anyone from the waitlist yet, but I hope they are about to release a batch of acceptances soon.
Fellow waitlistee here. Heard nothing yet, I definitely feel like a long shot. Already got another deposit in. Oh well, at least I made the Waiting List.
Brown hasn’t published any yield rates that I know of. Without those statistics it’s hard to predict how many will they choose from the waiting list.
@transferfox123 , Hopefully they take a few of us rather than reject everyone. One statistic I have dug up is that their Sophomore retention rate is 98% (however this is from 2013). I don’t know if that is of any significance or not, but hey I tried lol.
@hailmary , where you going?
@BatWonder77 UConn, which is still a big jump up for me! I might be the only Brown applicant from my school, so I was actually quite happy to get waitlisted.
I had not so flash SAT scores (<1800), but in a year I turned it around, 3.8 GPA, tons of extracurriculars, great recommendations, and a few academic awards. I’m coming from a school with a 50% 6 year graduation rate. Don’t want to say which one just in case the admissions counselors are reading this haha.
Brown was a hail mary, hence the username, but I think they saw how much I wanted to go there. I would say my academics have improved since starting college.
@hailmary ,Ah okay I see. But couldn’t you have waited? What if you end up getting Brown? Love the username haha! But regardless congrats on UConn!
I love the fact Brown isn’t too high on SATs, I knew someone who got a 1740 on it and got in as a freshman! Although other aspects of his application were very solid.
Are you transferring as a sophomore or junior?
@BatWonder77 The deposit was due pretty early ($150), so I just did that to secure my place. If I get into Brown I lose my deposit, which I don’t mind doing because it’s Brown!
Yeah, with the SAT’s, I was just slow. I did practice untimed sections and got 700’s, so I can write well. I think I write well in non-SAT contexts, haha. Junior! I’m just trying to crawl up the academic totem pole.
Did you apply anywhere else?
@hailmary , Oh okay fair enough. Even though I got a 2300, SAT = Stupid Annoying Test. Nice, I applied as a Sophomore. Same, hopefully we get in! I applied to 6 other Ivy’s + Stanford and got rejected by all. Don’t know why, I had a 3.9 GPA, and everything else. Guess luck was not on my side. What about you?
@BatWonder77 Dang, hope we get into Brown then! From what I know, Ivy transfer admissions are brutal. Even more brutal than as a freshman. You still have junior year too if you really want to get into one of those schools!
I applied to Brown, Yale, Duke, UNC, Notre Dame, Virginia, UConn, and Pitt. Too many apps, haha.
Haven’t heard back from Notre Dame, rejected from Duke, Yale, and UNC.
Accepted to Virginia, UConn, and Pitt. UConn makes the most sense for me because it’s in-state.
Got rejected when I applied there as a freshman. UConn was on the higher end when I was applying in high school. And I was in no position to apply for an Ivy in high school 
Now I’m all excited about Brown, haha, Brown (I believe) don’t release Wait List statistics, so I’m assuming it’s a long shot. It would be pretty exciting to get admitted on a rolling basis right near the middle of the month though!
@hailmary , yeah if I don’t get in I’m going to reapply for transfer next year. But isn’t UVa generally a better school than UConn? Unless the low in-state school fees is really important to your financial situation, UVa would be a great choice!
Yeah dude, 2 weeks left. Hopefully we hear from Brown by then!
I’ve been checking the Freshman class of 2019 waiting list forum and a few of them got of the waitlist yesterday afternoon. Did any transfer got of the waitlist?
Hey guys. I’m waitlisted too, although I’ve deposited at Hamilton College. I love Brown, but more than anything I want to know as soon as possible.
According to the Class of 2019 waitlist thread we should be on the look for any menu/options changes within our respective portals. It may indicate acceptance. One can only hope haha!
Hi everybody! I too am waitlisted at Brown.
I am transferring from a community college in Texas (GPA 3.91) with NO SAT/ACT scores and painful high school grades. Further, I am curious if anyone else has a similar background, who has been put on the waitlist or if I am the odd one out.
I believe I made it this far because of my compelling story and perseverance. There are also a lot of different facets to me, which I feel line up with the unique Brown curriculum.
As far as my extracurriculars, I had numerous unusual ones in both the sciences and humanities. I also won a couple of awards and had leadership positions. Not sure whether or not my essays were good or bad because despite reading many examples from admitted students, I am still uncertain on what exactly constitutes as an outstanding essay. I think I just wrote my heart out and felt good about what I had written. I do know, however, that my teacher recommendations were great.
If I am not admitted to Brown, I will attend the University of Texas at Austin in the Honors College. I got into USC, as well, but feel UT Austin is my next best option.
Although, being admitted to Brown is indeed a difficult feat, it is still possible and I think we ALL have no choice but to live in that possibility.
Best of luck to everyone! I am rooting for you!
has anyone been pulled out off the waitlist already?
@jmurphs1993 , well good luck! UT Austin is still a solid school. Just keep at it man!
@transferfox123 , nah not at all. They will probably get back to us in the next 6-7 days or so.
Btw has anyone noticed any sort of changes or status updates in their brown portal/account??
@BatWonder77 Let’s hope so!! I can’t sleep… I want either a yes or a no, this feels like being Schrodinger’s cat…
No changes on my portal though.
Are any of you RUE? I was accepted off that wait list for fall 2015, it seemed to fit my situation much better than as a transfer. I wish you all the best of luck!