Bs chance me: international student

International student (Dominican Republic)

12th grade
Applying for 100% financial aid or close to it.
PG or Repeat 12th
GPA: 4.0
Local scale 95/100 (9th Grade), 96/100 (10th Grade), 97/100(11th Grade)
SAT – not yet
TOEFL-not yet
Essays – Basic
Duolingo English practice test –110-130

Intended major: Medicine

-Honor student 1st – 11th grades
-Non-profit school chapter-Board Member-Awarded as Outstanding Leader.

  • Athlete of the year 2018 (volleyball club)
    -Outstanding school athlete -2017 – 2021
    -Outstanding performance science fair 2017
    -First place Math Olympics 2015



Volleyball -actually- 5 years club level – Awards Player of the Year Award 2018 - Most Improved Player 2017– Club team captain at AAU Volleyball Championships 2019
Volleyball -actually- 6 years high school level- Most Improved Player 2016

Synchronized Swimming -3 years-
U12 National Team member Panamerican Competition 2016 – U12 National Team Silver Medal member Caribbean Competition 2015 - Rookie of the Year 2014

Judo -1 year-
Bronze Medal International competition 2014

UN Model 2015

Church chorus – 2 years
Youth church group - 4 years
Violin -2 years- 2013-2015 - 2x Student of the year


-Non-profit school chapter-Board Member

Job- swimming coach / artistic swimming at a summer camp-


Online Store-actually- 1 year. Handmade and customized items. (Painting and drawing).
Experience as entrepreneur: Speaker at school Youth Entrepreneurship Week, bazaar exhibitor, social media skills and article in an online local magazine.

-English -ESL-
-First Aid (Red Cross)
-Public speaking
-Dancing (tropical rhythms)

Shadowing hours-MD-: 25

-Hip Hop
-Contemporary dance

Boarding Schools
-Blair Academy
-Kent School
-Hoosac School
-Lawrenceville School
-Northfield Mount Hermon
-The Taft School

Boarding School objective: Expand my personal skills, try new things (sports, arts, dancing), be academically challenged, improve my independence skills.

Personality: collaborative, respectful, kind, hardworking and sociable.

Please chance me. Thank you!

You seem qualified. I wouldn’t apply repeat 12, I would apply PG. You’d have better luck, especially being intl with FA. It’s really hard to get in under these circumstances but I’m rooting for you!

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I agree with @lilyesh - you seem like a very qualified candidate and you have a good list of schools. Your biggest challenge will be full FA + international, which is a tough combo for admissions. Applying PG should be your best bet, especially as an athlete. Best of luck!

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Thank you for your response!

Thank you!