What kind of job prospects would a BS in Quantitative Economics (from Urbana Champaign) lead to ? Thanks
Seems like the obvious major related targets are quantitative finance, actuarial, and operations research. Elective choices, internships, and other things besides major requirements can matter.
Would employers prefer majors in Computational Finance and/or Engineering/Physics for QF ? When I graduated that used to be the trend; but then not many schools offered Quantitative Econ as major.
How Is Machine Learning being integrated into Economics in the industry? Does Quantitative Econ. considered a good foundation to practice Machine Learning-driven analyses/modeling in industry?
What kind of minor would one do along with Quantitative Econ as major if want to target jobs in Quantitative Finance, Operations Research, Acturial and Consulting.?
Would that be more math/stats, Data Science-related courses, Computer Science, or Information Tech?
information sciences as well