<p>let’s celebrate BU BMEers, coz BU’s undergraduate BME ranking just moved up 2 places from 10th lAST YEAR TO 8TH THIS YEAR!!</p>
<p>I might sound like an idiot asking this, but what is BME???</p>
<p>Bio-Medical Engineering</p>
<p>So what are the top 10 schools for BME?</p>
<p>i don't know the top 10 schools, but i do know that the 1st 3 positions have been retained by JHU, Duke and UCSD. i heard MIT is 4th(up from 5th last year) and BU's website says it's 8th. dont know the rest.</p>
<p>Rochester's up there. Rose-Hulman will be if they're not already-- their BME was unaccredited as of spring 2004, though.</p>