Burke Questions

<p>In looking at the pics on the housing site, it doesn’t look like there’s room for two beds and two desks in Burke, without lofting. Can anybody give input on that? I see the built-in desk, but am wondering where the floating desk goes, if you don’t loft? I know that bunk beds are an option, but for two big guys, that’s probably not the best plan.
Also… if you have the floating desk, it looks like some kind of shelving is necessary. Suggestions on that??
And last but not least, after you have your designated “move in” time, and head out to Target for all the things you forgot, is it possible to get back in the dorm later, or do you have to wait till “move-in” is over for the day?
Thanks for any thoughts, comments, suggestions!</p>

<p>Which type of room? the two student room? or one of the suites?</p>

<p>Did you scroll thru any pics to get some ideas?</p>

<p>It looks from the pics that one bed has to be lofted to fit the moveable desk.</p>

<p>I was only in Burke a couple times and I can’t remember it very well, but I know I saw a room with two beds that weren’t lofted or bunked (is that a word?). If I recall correctly, one bed was against the far wall, the desks were next to each other against the right wall, and the other bed was against the left wall. There was enough room for maybe six of us to move around fairly comfortably in the room so I’d say the rooms are not too small.</p>

<p>Once your move-in time is over, you can come and go as you please; you just can’t drive up right to the entrance if it’s not during your designated time. You might have to walk/take a bus from pretty far away, but I have no idea what parking is like near Burke. (I lived in Riverside, but I’m assuming the move in process is fairly similar in every dorm.)</p>

<p>Thanks for your comments!</p>

<p>A regular two person room. Yes, I’ve studied the pics quite closely! All the way down to seeing that the desks are quite different … Thanks for your help!!</p>

<p>We were able to drive up at beginning of our time (after getting stuff from Paty), dropped off DS and DH with all his stuff. Day before we’d gone to Target, noted anything we missed (and would not fit into car at this point) along with basic groceries. I left for Target got what was on list and was able to make it back within the same hour designation, pulled up (had called DH to come down) and was able to unload before taking car to parking area. </p>

<p>No long hauls with those awkward or heavy items. Anything else would be easy to handle using the bus to/from parking area. Bus dropped off right in front of Riverside, I imagine they work in a stop in front of Burke as well for move-in session.</p>

(first off - Go BU! Woo!) Let me see if I can answer your questions:

  • Burke the room DOES work if neither student wants to loft. The room then is set up more like a “L” shape instead of both beds down the long wall. The far bed goes on the window wall, which leaves room for the moveable desk and the microfridge between the 2 beds on the long wall.
  • you don’t have to have shelving over the desks/beds, but many students do. What I heard a parent do last year (that seemed pretty smart to me) was to get a metal shelving rack from a major store (i.e. Walmart or Sam’s) and just not install the bottom shelves. Then it slides over the head of the bed, or the desk.
  • Move-In! Woo! I’m pumped for Move-In, can you tell? Once you pick up your keys, you can come and go from the building as you need. However, you cannot come back through the line with your vehicle, so you may want to plan your arrival from your errands to be during lunch 12-1, or after 5pm.</p>

<p>Hope this helps!
Janine Gascoigne</p>

<p>Thank you Janine! Great tips that I will use!!</p>