I’m currently a freshman in Kelley and I may have to drop C106 for the upcoming semester and move it to the begining of sophomore year due to conflicts with a university sponsored event. In the event I drop it, I plan on taking K304 instead. I’ve heard K304 and E370 are both very tough courses so would it be possible to do well in both together? My other option would be drop both C106 and E370, take them first semester sophomore year, and take K304 and L201 next semester.
If it helps, other classes I will also take are Compass I, G202, A100 (1st 8 weeks), and D270 (2nd 8 weeks).
I would really appreciate help asap as I need to make a decision soon. Thanks.
Why are you taking E370 instead of S301? S301 isn’t too hard, but it does have a decent amount of pointless work. I’ve heard K304 is difficult, but K303 is very easy. You might switch K304 to K303 if you are worried about workload.
I have to take E370 because it’s a prerequisite for some of my major courses for Economic Consulting.
Hey tigerman333, I’m a Kelley senior and thought the same and took E370. I found out after taking the class that S301 also counts as the prerequisite for economic consulting classes. If you don’t want to take my word for it, confirm with a Kelley advisor but I’m 100% positive.
You may not think it’s a big deal, but definitely take S301 if you can still swap it out. E370 sucks so much (coming from someone who got an A in the class). Every class is stressful because it’s flipped and you must finish a graded worksheet in class every time. Mary Beth Camp was my professor- it’s generous to call her that because she literally did absolutely nothing except show up to class and pass out a worksheet.
You can likely still make the change now since those bigger classses don’t necessarily fill up.
Also, K304 is challenging but it is one of the most valuable classes I’ve taken at Kelley. It was extremely useful in my internship. The grade distribution is actually solid- but you actually have to do work unlike K303. Taking K304 was one of the best decisions I made as far as scheduling.