<p>Are there any other classes you can take instead of this one and get credit at Kelley? How demanding is this class? Is there a "better" professor to take? Thanks for any help.</p>
<p>You can take either MATH K300 or K310, or take SPEA K300. Try to take the SPEA K300 class and get Wakhungu as the professor. Everybody likes him and almost everyone in the class gets at least a B, and can actually understand the material. The other classes (ECON E370 and MATH K310) have professors that seem to just love to make the students suffer, and whose class notes are ridiculous. I was originally a math major when I was in college and I could not understand the notes my son got when he was in the MATH K300 class–totally unintelligible. And lots of people complain about the E370 class professor–if you check, you’ll see the ratings on “rate my professors” are terrible.</p>
<p>Check out Wahungu on “rate my professors” and you will see that the ratings are great.</p>
<p>Oh, and just so you know–my son and I are okay with professors that are tough, but that still work with the students–for example, check out McCrory. But professors that are both tough and that the students just can’t understand–that’s another story.</p>
<p>They are removing those loopholes next fall for classes that aren’t E370. This summer will be the last time a business student can register for those classes and get credit for E370.</p>
<p>E370 is not really that hard. Most people will say it is because you cannot simply get a decent grade by only going to class/lecture. You need to do some work outside of class to get an A (i.e. Read the assigned readings and understand how to work the problems).</p>
<p>Oh yeah, if you took AP Stats in high school this is a repeat of that course (or for me it was)…</p>
<p>Where did you hear that they were removing the loop holes for E370? I spoke with my business advisor today, and he insisted Math-K310 (but not K300) and the other classes would still count. </p>
<p>Also, If you’re in the honors college, look into S370 (the honors version). From what I’ve heard, it is much, much easier and with less busy work.</p>
<p>Wow, my business advisor told me the exact opposite of what you said. He told me they were removing M-310 in the fall and advised me to take it this summer. He also said the honors version s370 was much harder than the regular version.</p>
<p>Well, I heard about S370 from students who are taking it this semester (although I think the current prof isn’t teaching the class next year). My advisor backed up that it was really easy. </p>
<p>I’ll email another advisor and see what she says about M310 counting for E370…</p>
<p>I think they have to allow you to graduate based on either the bulletin for the year when you enter or the one for the year you graduate. For this reason, if you have already been in the college for at least one year, they can’t change the rules on you (although they could stop offering the courses completely). In this case, they can’t stop offering the courses, though, since they are needed for the Mathematics majors and for the SPEA majors.</p>
<p>In case anyone was wondering, here’s the official word:</p>
<p>You may substitute MATH-K 310, but not SPEA-K 300. Just remember that K310 does NOT give you any experience on how to apply statistics to business/economic situations, and ICORE will presume you have that ability/experience, which ECON-E 370 gives you.</p>
<p>Makes sense. I think I’ll go for S370…</p>
<p>E-270 at IUPUI also subtitutes for E-370 at Bloomington.</p>
<p>Here is a link to recorded lectures for E-270. I think these lectures would be very similar to the E-370 lectures at Bloomington, and a good preparation for E-370, assuming you can find the time to watch them.</p>
<p>[url=<a href=“http://www.imds.iupui.edu/imds/bb.shtml]IMDS[/url”>http://www.imds.iupui.edu/imds/bb.shtml]IMDS[/url</a>]</p>
<p>Just to clarify that K300 does not substitute for E370. I got it for AP Stats credit and advisor told me that the credit is useless and I have to take E370.</p>
<p>Ifailedcalculus, I would not say that credit for K300 is totally useless, as it will qualifies as a N&M distribution option class, and a lot of those N&M classes can be a real pain. Not good for I-Core pre-requisite, though.
[College</a> of Arts and Sciences 2008-2010 Online Bulletin: Appendix II: Approved Distribution Courses](<a href=“http://www.indiana.edu/~bulletin/iub/college/2008-2010/appendix2.shtml]College”>http://www.indiana.edu/~bulletin/iub/college/2008-2010/appendix2.shtml)</p>
<p>Alright, the professor for Fall '09 S370 is Alexeev. His rating on RMP is not that high, but Goh, who taught it this semester, has a good rating. I’m also assuming Goh is who didoyeo is referring to. Does anyone know if he is teaching again in the spring? He doesn’t have a profile on RMP but his grade distribution is much better than Alexeev.</p>
<p>Well, my son is currently in SPEA K300, so if they change the rules now after he’s already taken the class, I’ll be in the Dean’s office telling him what I think about changing rules after the courses have already been chosen and taken.</p>
<p>My son has to take I-Core in the spring semester of next year–his senior year–since another of his required courses is only offered in the Fall Semester (the BUS L470 Research in Business Law and Policies course). If he is required to take ECON E370 in his Fall Semester (his senior semester when he is required to take 3 upper level law courses already) this will be quite a hardship, since the upper-level law courses are quite demanding.</p>
<p>Like I said already, I believe this is what they prefer you to take only and not a “hard” requirement, since university policy says that you can graduate based upon the bulletin in effect at the time that you enter the university (as long as you graduate within 6 years).</p>
<p>After rereading this, I see that maxcellis says that one is okay as long as one took the class prior to this coming summer–so I guess my son’s class will count towards I-Core.</p>
<p>I’m choosing classes for next semester, which class is easier (more likely to receive an A) Math-k310 or stat-s 301?</p>
<p>Stats S301 looks easier by far. There are no prerequisites (K310 requires M119) and the section gpa the last two regular semesters was extremely high. It is not being taught by the same instructor who taught it last year, though.</p>
<p>[Bloomington</a> Campus Grade Distribution Report](<a href=“http://registrar.indiana.edu/gradedist/4108_report2a.html#BL-STAT]Bloomington”>http://registrar.indiana.edu/gradedist/4108_report2a.html#BL-STAT)</p>
<p>[Bloomington</a> Campus Grade Distribution Report](<a href=“http://registrar.indiana.edu/gradedist/4112_report2a.html#BL-STAT]Bloomington”>http://registrar.indiana.edu/gradedist/4112_report2a.html#BL-STAT)</p>