Buses around campus (south/northside)?


<p>As an engineering student living in a southside dorm I see the AC Transit buses coming
around pretty often while walking around campus and I've been wondering, which bus line(s) go around to which parts of campus that go to/from the Durant/Telegraph bus stop (or Bancroft/Telegraph) to the northside of campus? I've seen buses stop in front of Stanley Hall and also further north near Soda but I'm not quite sure which lines and so forth. Could anyone please direct me to some more information?</p>

<p>Thanks! :)

<p>52 L works</p>

<p>52L is you bus.</p>

<p>Don't trust the 51. Ever.
The 52L is marginally more reliable, but not by much. But yeah, from the Units take the 52L to get to Stanley/Soda/whatever else near Engineering.</p>

<p>You can also take Bear Transit, either the Perimeter or Reverse Perimeter (Perimeter goes clockwise, Reverse goes counterclockwise). Reverse is probably the better one for you.</p>

<p>And don't trust the 51 OR the 52L to be on time. Ever. I've made that mistake too many times trying to go to class because I'm just so damn lazy.</p>

<p>Bear transit is my choice for campus transportation. I use it every morning to get from BART to Stanley. It's free with the class pass and I've never had any problems with it.</p>

<p>As a sophmore who uses the bus system EVERY day I can offer some advice:</p>

<p>The 51 only goes to the west end of northside, then it just goes west. If you’re trying to go to Cory Hall or Soda etc, don’t bother. Also, it’s DAMN reliable- on weekdays it comes EVERY EIGHT MINUTES. If you give yourself 30 minutes you’ll probably be fine, but unless you live on Shattuck or in Elmwood don’t TAKE THE BUS JUST WALK!</p>

<p>Also, DO NOT WAIT ON DURANT for a bus. The ONLY bus there that goes to northside is the 52L and the 52L is ALWAYS a long wait because the stop before it is on bancroft and telegraph and that’s where the drivers take their breaks. WAIT ON BANCROFT AND TAKE THE PERIMETER. The perimeter buses are superior because their route is shorter. If you don’t believe me, just stay on for the whole route on the 52L. It is -LONG- and -CONVOLUTED-. Lastly, don’t take the reverse perimeter. The perimeter is more often than not more popular than the perimeter and thus I -think- there are more perimeter buses. Also, since the reverse perimeter only goes up channing on southside, you have a better chance of catching buses with similar routes on bancroft (ie, the 52L).</p>

<p>Also if you’re wanting to come back to your dorm from class on the northside, you can take the F</p>

<p>OK then I guess the perimeter it is… is there any information online regarding bus schedules for the Bear Transit buses? Are they fairly reliable for getting to class? Which route goes to Stanley?</p>

<p>[Shuttle</a> Routes & Schedules | UC Berkeley - Parking & Transportation](<a href=“http://pt.berkeley.edu/around/transit/routes]Shuttle”>Getting to and Around Campus! | Parking and Transportation)</p>

<p>The P drops you off in front of Evans which is near Stanley.</p>

<p>From southside to northside, my preferences are: 52L, Perimeter, and Reverse Perimeter; in that order.</p>

<p>From north to south though, it’s 52L and F. Perimeter is only a good choice if you board at the mining circle.</p>

<p>Don’t expect the times to be reliable though. The buses can be up to 15min late. Also note that the times posted are not necessarily when the bus will be at the stop, but rather when the bus will leave a certain important stop.</p>