Business major music minor

<p>Looking to transfer to a university soon. I'm currently attending a community college and majored in business administration. I enjoy business but music has alone been my passion and love. The reason i even majored in business was becuz i would like to start my own record or publish company one day. The reason I'm posting is because im having trouble determining what my major would be will i transfer. I was thinking entrepreneurship or MIS or even finance with a double minor being psy and music. Also, I have been thinking of majoring in psy with a minor music/business. Im just looking for some opinions and just feedback on which combination would benefit me more.</p>

<p>Well can anyone assist me with this question what is the benefits of having an accounting degree over an MIS degree. I plan to double major with my first choice being entrepreneurship with concentration in marketing and now im stuck between accounting and MIS. Opinions feedback plz help</p>

<p>There are lots of folks over on the music major forum who know a lot about music business programs. Perhaps you’d like to pose a question there.</p>