Business School Scholarships

Does anyone have experience with this? I know they can be anywhere from 500 to 2500 and your automatically considered with the scholarship application, but any idea on stats, timeline, etc?
Thanks and Roll Tide!

I dont’ know the stats, but “continuing students” awards are usually determined after the New Year…likely so that they can look at Fall grades, too…but I don’t know when they’re announced.

What are your stats?

My son received 2 scholarships from the business school in the spring (his junior year). I had just about given up on anything materializing as a result of the original application! One scholarship is $3000 and is related to an area of specialization. It required a separate application and letters of recommendation. One of his professors encouraged him to apply for it, and I think the deadline was Dec. 1. The other one is for $1000 and is for students in his major. Both were awarded at the business school’s recognition ceremony on Honors Day in April. We (parents) and he (student) each received notification that he would be recognized at the ceremony. We did not attend because we received the same letter in previous years when he was recognized for his GPA (no scholarship). We thought it would be the same thing this time, but we were surprised! Of course, now I wish we had gone.

@mom2collegekids I am a senior in high school with 32 ACT and 4.15 GPA planning to major in finance.

I have a question that goes along with this, but concerning the Graduate business school:: Where do you find the types of scholarships and where to apply to them (I’ve looked at the UA page for this and I don’t seem to qualify for any of them.)
Also, for the automatic scholarship, what is the score on the GMAT and the score on the GRE you need to receive the automatic scholarship. I know they raised the scores required recently so it’s the 99th percentile but what is it and is there a forum on GRE vs GMAT? and how to study for them? I know when to take them, but nothing else. Also, non UA affiliated scholarships for engineers wanting to go to business school–is there a forum or a site for a list of those?

The B-school grad school decides who they’re going to award merit scholarships to based on how strong your stats are compared to other applicants.