Business school will admit freshmen

<p>In 2008. Top tier students only--up to 150 or so.</p>


<p>Where did you read this? Is the new policy for incoming class on Fall '08?</p>

<p>It was in the annual report for biz alums. Contingent on hiring approval for new admissions person.</p>

<p><a href=""&gt;;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>Thanks. I am really surprised to read the offers for BBA graduates now (average ~$46K + $4K signing bonus) rival engineering graduates' (even best some major!). Did you know if we are sending more grads to Wall Street and IBC firms?</p>

<p>The Wall st thing is picking up but they have not recruited much in the past because most grads used to prefer the midwest or west and hated NYC. One of the top consulting firms said they stopped coming because kids would rather stay in the midwest for much less money.</p>