Undergrad Business Admission tips..

<p>I am a sophomore transfer student looking to get into the BBA program in the school of
business. For those of you who have been in the program, or know alot about it: what are the best clubs/organizations to join in order to become more appealing to the admission committee? Also, what GPA do you think I would need in order to gain acceptance and what classes would you suggest for a (hopeful) pre-business student?</p>

<p>For freshmen who want to apply, I know they must take CALC, COMMUNICATIONS, PYSCH, AND MICROECONOMICS.</p>

<p>Be sure to attend the Wisconsin School of Business Welcome Week activities.</p>

<p>Go to the student organization fair and find the table for Badger Business Buddies or the business school professional fraternity and join one or the other.</p>

<p>3.5 or better</p>

<p>You could go to the student center if you have access to it. From there you can run a DARS report, I believe it is in the academics tab. You can run an audit for any major you want including a pre-business report. </p>

<p>Just do your best and focus on classes that factor into your pre-business gpa or business/econ gpa. Also some of your transfer credits may satisfy some of the requirements but gpa from those will be exempt just like an ap score. I am assuming that last part.</p>

<p>Business School gets new dean. Inhouse promotion but his CV is very impressive. While there have been great strides made there still is room to improve. The undergrad population is still too large for the typical number of jobs. MBA cut its population in half and became much stronger with a very good placement record. UG needs to do the same although not a 50% cut. Maybe 30% or so to around 1250 total in three classes. Then you only have to place around 400+/year which is a much better match to average demand.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.news.wisc.edu/19549[/url]”>http://www.news.wisc.edu/19549&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;