C in PE?

<p>Will getting 1 C in PE affect my chances at all @ very competitive schools?</p>

<p>maybe, maybe not. A C in PE can have a few interpretations. </p>

<p>1) you’re not athletic, which is of course something not of extreme importance to colleges.</p>

<p>2) you were lazy in that class and could have gotten an A but decided to slack. Of course, it depends on your other grades. </p>

<p>I can’t believe your school even gives a grade for PE, at my school PE is pass or fail every quarter you take it.</p>

<p>I’m not sure I understand how you can get a C in a class that simply requires you to dress out and participate. I doubt colleges will think as much of it as a C in english or something, but it’s still a C (unless they recalculate it to be an academic-only GPA)</p>

<p>It’s not calculated into GPA. Also, our PE grade is based mostly on improvement on fitness tests from the beginning to the end of the semester. To get an A, you’d really have to improve a lot, a C is a very common grade for gym here. I was just wondering if it would affect my chances since it shows up on my transcript.</p>

<p>No one cares about P.E.</p>

<p>the only place it could detract would be in class rank. it is hard to tell what goes on with class rank for the admissions officers. </p>

<p>otherwise im SURE that it would be overlooked by admissions officers</p>