Cal Grant - Age Discrimination?

So I finished the AS-T in Business Admin, prepare for transfer but I as a transfer student from a CC am supposedly too “old” to receive a Cal Grant if I’m over 28? And I’m not even 30! I sent them (CSAC) another e-Mail and still awaiting a response but this is ridiculous. There are circumstances & resulting hurdles people have to overcome that may cause a delay and this is how the state of California, which professes itself so liberal and progressive, responds to that? Perhaps someone here knows more and I welcome any insight. But this age discrimination coupled with the fact that countless economically challenged students of various ages could need this grant for self explanatory reasons points to systemic discrimination aimed at keeping people in the underclass. It’s not a secret that a lot of people who weren’t positioned to immediately attend a 4 YR school had to work and only attend P/T. Combine that with aforementioned circumstances and a delay in completion is inevitable. Then by time they could go to a university they’re given the finger when looking for funds. There’s no major collusion or conspiracy necessary: Deny people opportunity and they’ll fail. And according to countless socioeconomic data, upward mobility has been meager at best for years and now I see in my own life why. This whole thing reeks of liberal elitism tbh. I’m still doing research on this as we speak but I hope some Cali based students can shed light on this, if not more. I even read somewhere, in regards to the Cal Grant, that a HS Dropout w/ recent GED would qualifiy for it while I don’t??? There are lots of backward things in this state I had to tolerate but this takes the cake.

I’m sorry for your upset about this…but it’s not a new policy.

How long have you been going to CC? And did you ever use the Calgrant for that? Don’t you have to apply for its use within a certain number number of years after HS graduation (which might be why a recent GED would qualify)?