Cal poly appeal

My son was admitted to Cal Poly, and immediately notified them that he had received an F in AP Calculus one quarter. He handled all the back and forth with them, but I have read it and it was very clear. The admissions office asked for a copy of his transcript, which his school sent, and notified him by email in April that his admission status would NOT be impacted as long as he maintained Cs or better this term. He submitted his SIR.

He was then notified that he was rescinded May 14th. This was past the deadline for most other schools.

He had notified his top 3 schools about the F, knowing it could be an issue. The other two also said it would not impact his admission. He was pretty upset about this- not the rescission, which he knew was a risk- but the timing of it and the inconsistency of two transcript reviewers drawing two different conclusions.

He filed an appeal with a letter from his Calculus teacher explaining his F (even though that’s not the basis of the appeal) and the back and forth with the admissions office and the statement that it did NOT impact his admission status.

He had also filed an appeal with his second choice school (UC SC) to see if they will allow him to register after their May 1 deadline.

Does anyone know how long it takes for an appeal to be heard and if Cal Poly ever changes their mind? Does an appeal put the matter before a new person?

Does anyone have experience with Santa Cruz appeals for late registrations?

No admissions office should operate this way.

@Bluebird205: This situation happened at UCI a few years ago where several students reported D or F grades their 1st semester of Senior year and UCI stated their acceptance would stand. Then after May 1, UCI found out they were overenrolled and rescinded these acceptances. They finally reinstated all the students so hopefully your son had a favorable outcome. Please update if possible and best of luck.