Cal Poly SLO 2023 Admissions Decisions

Is anyone still waiting on animal science??

Still waiting on Bio Engineering

@StacysMom24, the net effect of what @Gumbymom mentioned above is that the highest possible GPA for CP is quite a bit lower than SDSU. My son’s Cal Poly calculated GPA was 4.32. That’s about as high as is possible. In order to hit that mark you have to have all As AND you can’t have too many A-G classes. He had one less per semester than most because he went to a parochial school and had to take a religion class every semester. They don’t count as A-G classes.

@eyemgh doesnt SdSU consider classes taken 9-11 and cal poly 10and 11? if that is so cal poly would actually have a higher possible gpa. yet my observation, not fact, is that i saw several GPAs under 4.0 at cal poly but w incredible SAT scores whereas on sdsu thread i see a lot of 1300 type scores but stellar GPAs. just hypothesizing that for people in the grey area, this may be the difference. i recognize there are a whole slew of factors that could impact it-just making an observation.

SDSU 10 & 11
CP 9, 10 & 11

@StacysMom24: My niece actually had a higher SLO GPA vs CSU GPA due to the fact her 9th grades were all A’s while her 10-11th grades were a mix of A’s, B’s and C’s. For some, HS Freshman year is a transition period and they have lower 9th grades and better 10-11th. Also I noticed that some posters are not actually reporting their true CSU GPA. The maximum CSU Capped weighted GPA is 4.4 while I see 4.5+. SLO caps their GPA for the MCA calculation at 4.2.

How important is the GPA? I had all A - 4.4 GPA Ranked 1/262
But my sat was only 1380. I was waitlisted. I feel the sat score is much more important.

IS anyone else waiting on psych? send help lol

@cyla: SLO caps their GPA at 4.2. What is your intended major and MCA score?

I still haven’t gotten anything and I’m IS and applied for cs sooooo does that mean I’m rejected? cuz someone said that they accept at the beginning of March and rejections are last and it’s already the end of march soooooooo???

@lion24596: I have been following SLO admission decisions for several years and the pattern in the past has always been acceptances, followed by waitlists, then finally rejections. Unfortunately that is the reality.

Has anyone heard anything back applying for architecture?

Waitlisted for mechanical engineering but I dont know my mca score. I was disappointed about being waitlisted but I was accepted to texas a&m. Which I’m thankful for.

What outcome have you seen from calpoly waitlisted students getting admitted?

@Cyla: Here is the waitlist stats for last year and 2017. Everything depends upon how many students enroll by May 1 and how many spots are available after that date.


of qualified applicants offered the waitlist: 6643

of applicants accepting the waitlist: Not listed

of applicants admitted off the waitlist: 2436


of qualified applicants offered the waitlist: 3168

of applicants accepting the waitlist: Not listed

of applicants admitted off the waitlist: 15

MCA point calculator:

@MommaChey transfer here

2 friends got accepted in architecture few days ago and 1 friend got rejected today.

I’m still waiting for mine. I do not know what’s going on. Probably another date for international student?

My S just got denied admission to SLO CS, but accepted to USC, UCLA, UCSB, UCSD, UCSC, UCI, UCD CS major. He is not complaining, but it is puzzling for him to get into many highly ranked schools, but denied by SLO.

STAT: 4.0/4.8 GPA, NMF, SAT 1550, MathII 800, Phy 800, Eagle Scout, lots of EC

I was told the sooner the cal poly application is submitted the better chance a student has in getting accepted.
Would you agree or not really?

@Cyla: No, as long it is submitted before the deadline.

Question for Pshiao: Did your son visit SLO and register the visit? Did he visit the other schools?