Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@TheFrenchChef @ImASoccerPlayer I just looked on cal state apply; it definitely doesn’t say anything about middle school grades, but it does say high school and only high school about five times.

@DwYmJz Yes, only a-g courses. But, for many applicants, algebra 1 was taken in middle school and CP requires 2 years of algebra. On the contrary, if an applicant didn’t list a foreign language but took two or more years in high school anyways, it would be fine, it would only reduce MCA.

@DwYmJz the middle school grades can be used to get to A-G minimums, but more importantly, they are used to get the maximum MCA points for rigor. You can’t get to 10 semesters without counting middle school unless you took more than one math class in a single year.

But surely if Alg 2 shows on your transcript, they know you took Alg 1? Just about everyone takes it in middle school now if they’re college-bound, right?

No, middle school grades and courses that count towards A-G give you a boost for additional year/s of qualifying coursework

@eyemgh my older kids didn’t apply to SLO and tbh while completing the CSU application my D and I thought that all the CSUs strictly went by GPA and SATs. When she got to the supplemental questions for the SLO app she had no idea why they were asking and she struggled with how to answer some of them. Her hours at her job vary, some weeks she works 16 hours, some none depending on what is going on in life (the job is flexible and her life is busy), she ended up picking 1-5 because she didn’t really know (again she had no idea it mattered for admission). For ECs it was a little easier because she’s very involved multiple sports, clubs, student government etc but again while trying to decide the number of hours she was thinking some weeks she spends 5 hours on club activities and other weeks she spends barely an hour. My question is are decisions really made using the information? Seems crazy, they can’t check everything?? If my D had known that info was being used to make a decision she may have estimated higher for the work hours (remember her hours vary from week to week and in the summer she did some 40 hour weeks so she probably could have gone up). I’m not trying to say people would lie but it seems crazy that this info is used in this way. Also I was surprised at how many points her MCA jumped having a parent who didn’t graduate from college. Just some observations. My D got in and we were shocked her SAT is only 1270 but her GPA is 4.0/4.4.

To all those who don’t know yet, sign off enjoy your Sunday. I know it’s easy for me to say because my D is admitted but you have to believe you or your child will end up where they belong. God Bless.

@hermom1 the best any of us know, CP uses the MCA outlined in the thread pinned at the top of the forum. ECs are indeed squishy. They only account for a little part of the algorithm, but at the margins, can make the difference.

@eyemgh ‘squishy’ at best. Have a great rest of your weekend. Thanks for doing what you do I’m sure it helps many in this crazy process.

@eyemgh I still haven’t really seen any answers as to whether not putting algebra 1 on your application will make your application not considered or just lower MCA. What are your thoughts?

@somedeepthoughts My D did not put in her middle school algebra, but she got accepted tonight for Civil Engineering.

@lastkiddad That’s great news, thank you!

@hermom1 … what major for your D and stats? sorry if you have already posted such. I did look but can’t see anything

I was accepted last night, Communications Major! Had to check the portal though, didn’t get an email and still haven’t

Accepted to Computer Science!
Max CSU GPA 4.2
1600 SAT
MCA ~4850

DS got into CS. Instate ,CSU GPA 4.2,ACT 35 woohoooo! Congratulations to all those who got in and best wishes for those who are waiting!

My S just got accepted for Electrical Engineering, instate. Finally!

speculation is that engineering/cs decisions are coming out based on reverse alphabetical last name order.

@AtCollege2023 hey yo I think I just saw you on reddit

May I ask what letter your child’s last name starts with? My DS also applied for civil engineering?

@somedeepthoughts: If they are admitting by major in reverse alphabetical order, what letter does your DD’s last name start with? Thanks