Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Son just told me he got accepted for material engineering.He just woke up and checked his portal 20 min ago. Will be posting stats in the other thread. Hang in there, everyone!

LAES is not a major for freshmen. So you won’t see it posted here for FTF.

D’s portal changed to accepted around 8:15 am. In-state, Business Admin with lower stats than yours. Hang in there.

Has anyone heard back instate for environmental engineering?

My post above was a reply to Inthe805. I’m new to posting here. Best wishes!


If you would all do a little extra leg work and calculate your MCAs and post to the Final Status thread, it would be VERY helpful to future applicants. This year’s database is already the largest we’ve had and still growing. Thanks!

Anyone hear for Software Engineering?

Still nothing from ag?

@Ryboy1 Yay, for Psych! Maybe Child Development is next? Still just waiting waiting waiting…

@GoDogsGo I think you are meaning to ask @lastkiddad what his DDs last name is?

@compSciLover @sunnyschool @somedeepthoughts: The easiest way to find out if any specific majors have been posted is to go onto the Final Status thread, use the magnifying glass on the upper right of the screen, type in the major and search. It will bring up all threads with your key word.

Has anyone heard about biochemistry??

Son accepted for Software Engineering just now
MCA 4734
CP GPA 4.08, SAT 1540, good EC’s with leadership

Thank you @eyemgh and @gumbymom for your insight on these threads. Your patient explanations of how Cal Poly admissions seems to work, especially the MCA formula, was extremely helpful to us!

Thank you @Gumbymom !

got thru software engineering
MCA ~ 4717
SAT 1530
Maxed out GPA
leadership and volunteering hours

Is CAFES the only college to not release yet, will it happen later today? Is it most likely that when CAFES majors are released that it will be alphabetically like agribusiness, then ag ed, then animal science, then BioResAgEng and so on?

Accepted to Business Administration
MCA around 4600
CSU GPA: 3.72
SAT: 1480
work related, good EC’s with leadership

So is agriculture last?

Accepted!!! Mech Eng this morning. Will but in final. MCA 4753. SAT 1410. GPA w 4.35 9 APs 21+ extra curricular with leadership. Job related! In State.

Accepted earlier this morning.
Business Administration
SAT: 1210
Weighted and Capped GPA: 4.03, Unweighted GPA is 3.81
Decent ECs

I’m actually very surprised I got in.