Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

Welp, seems like psych is out and I haven’t gotten accepted so. I’m just gonna assume that’s either a waitlist or a rejection?

Oh happy day. My son is in!
In state
Software Engineering
MCA 4900 if I recall correctly, maybe slightly less
For those who don’t MCA:
1580 SAT (I know, really?!)
About a 4.09 Cal Poly gpa (a-g only with freshman year max 8 points for AP)
Max rigor (means middle school math year)
Max EC
Note: He is taking a 5th year of English. Kind of a weird Cal Poly thing that admissions really stressed.

@aggiemomtobe and @panda4444 was accepted on Friday March 1st for Sociology from Dana Hills High School in OC

DS accepted for Econ sometime Sunday am. No email yet. Posted stats on the final thread but MCA about 4655. This CP alum Mom and fellow alum DH are so excited for him! Good luck to those still waiting.

when are AG/ES majors going to find out?? the anticipation is killing me

Found out around 11:30 last night that I was accepted to CP for Biology. The wait was absolutely horrendous. I believe my MCA was 4870 and my SAT was 1520 and I applied with a 4.4 GPA. Hopefully, this helps! Just hang in there everyone!

Has anyone been accepted to general engineering?

Has anyone else tried to accept an offer? When my daughter went to accept her offer, it said “You have already accepted or declined your offer. Please call the admissions and records office if you have further questions.” I’m sure it’s fine, but…

Anything from Industrial Technology & Packaging?

S just accepted for Software engineering
1500 SAT
4.4 gpa
Work hours major related

child development??

Has any biological science major been accepted?? Still have not received decision

@putinator @nodramallam13: If you are looking for a specific major, you can use the magnifying glass on the upper right of this thread or the “Final Status” thread to find that information. Type in a key word and it will search the whole thread. @putinator, yes there have been Biology admits.

33 ACT
4.4 GPA

Hi! I am having the exact same problem. The accept/decline button just popped up this morning and when I clicked on it it said that I already made a decision (which I haven’t). I also haven’t received an email. FYI, I was accepted 3/1 around 10:00 PM.

Apologies if this has been answered before, but if all decisions have been made, why can’t they all be sent out at the same time, or at least in large blocks, like an email blast? I’m not buying the bandwidth explanation, especially if emails can be sent from a school.

@nodramallama13 My d also wants Child Dev and hasn’t heard a thing. It looks like they will only enroll a small number, maybe 50? So will accept maybe 150? I’m curious what you intend to do with that major. She wants to teach but for some reason chose Child Dev instead of Liberal Studies. I guess assuming it was also relevant to teaching Elementary school? Anyway, we are in the same waiting place as you

Just got accepted for Business Adminstration!
MCA 4680 (i think)
1320 SAT
4.0 unweighted
4.69 weighted
Plus i am SLO County resident!

This is not true. Each college at Cal Poly has a different yield rate. In 2016, the most recent data available, the range was a low of 21.1% for the CSM to a high of 44.2% for the CAFES. You see low stats students getting accepted because they applied to majors that aren’t historically competitive. You may not know this, but Cal Poly evaluates students only against other students who applied to that major. That’s why it can be so confusing. I have yet to see an apples to apples comparison where a student (who made no application errors) was denied, but a student with a lower MCA was accepted. None. Yet, year after year, this myth, with no evidence offered, persists.

Accepted for computer engineering!
MCA around 4800
Max CP Gpa
1550 SAT

Not sure how I got in without taking a single computer-related course in hs but I’ll take it.