Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@eyemgh sorry should have worded that better I was just so surprised where it was. I meant to say most of my friends/ people I personally know that applied. Also, I would like to thank you for all of your help on this thread :slight_smile:

The CSU application is neither clear or easy. Heck, Weā€™re from OOS. The whole A-G lingo is completely foreign. All Iā€™m saying is that most students do ultimately figure it out and submit a clean application. That said, it could be a LOT better. It seems silly to eliminate qualified candidates based on a technicality.

My son is a freshman and did not enter middle school grades if that helps you feel a little more at ease.

Last year my S received a video message.

Have any people with high MCAs not been accepted yet?

Have any psychology majors been accepted? My sonā€™s girlfriend is waiting to hear.

I have an MCA of 4800 with a 4.58 gpa and 1480 sat and I applied for computer science and havent gotten in yet. Is it based on location at all because my friends with higher gpaā€™s and sats havent gotten in yet

@mrsmustard11, that error didnā€™t penalize applicants last year. The CSU app was new and had a flaw that didnt allow the ability to enter it corectly. I believe they just gave everyone credit.

@mrsmustard11 Iā€™m waiting for psychology too! 4500 mca, 1470 sat

@ThunderStrik7, I hear you. DS also has high stats (4.58 GPA, 1570 SAT, NMF etc) but an average MCA of 4760. Still waiting for CS as well. Not that it means much, but if he doesnā€™t get in, eventually, it would be a total outlier in his schoolā€™s Scattergram chart on Naviance. His ā€˜dotā€™ is near the tip of the top-right corner, surrounded by admits of past three years (50+ each year). I doubt many of his peers have much higher MCA, given the fact that the school is up north in the state and there are few first-gens etc. Naviance has not been too far off so far, DS is accepted by a number of UCs already.

Anyway, this could be a case of what @eyemgh mentioned earlier, high stats but not so competitive MCA, especially for CS. Thanks to all the contributors of this thread, I learned a lot, and quite enough about MCA (didnā€™t know its existence before).

And congrats to everyone who has been accepted!!

A couple psych majors on here have been accepted. My classmate who has lower stats than me got accepted too, (I havenā€™t heard anything yet), but sheā€™s also spent years in the foster care system so I think that might contribute to her MCA score? She declined it though so hopefully one of us will get her spot. Lol.

Parents, Cal Poly has an amazing parents facebook page. If your student has been offered admission, even before they accept their offer, you should consider joining it. Itā€™s called the Cal Poly SLO Mustang Parents page in Facebook. If your student does attend the school, it will be your absolute lifeline. Also, students should join the Cal Poly SLO Class Of 2023 (official) page. There are two pages ā€” be sure to join the ā€œofficialā€ one.

Tough as a parent to wait to hear; but the poor students! :frowning: Especially when classmates are hearingā€¦marine science anyone yet?

Starting to think about next fall. Our S is a first year ME student at CP. Our D is next in line and wants to apply to the College of Agriculture under wine and viticulture. Anyone know how competitive this major is and what MCA she might need? Iā€™m calculating her at around 4325. OOS student (ouch). Congrats to the accepted applicants for 2019! Such an exciting time for students and parents alike.

Maybe I should start a 2024 thread. Sorry!!

@momamet go to the Final Status thread. Click on the magnifying glass next to the page numbers and type ā€œwine and viticultureā€ into the search. You will find the MCA of those admitted thus far.

So I got accepted into SLO as a political science major, and when I checked out the Final Decision thread I saw everyone stats and comparing it to mine, mine was way lower than most if not all of them lol. Is a possible reason be because of the major I have selected because thereā€™s no essay, no extracurricular to justify why they accepted me lol (GPA: 3.92, SAT: 1380)

are admissions over now?

Can eyemgh weigh in? Is it possible that CP does admittances in waves with the highest stats first, and then looks to see who quickly accepts (indicating CP is their first choice school)ā€¦seeing that those who donā€™t quickly accept are keeping CP as a safety over UCs or other schools)ā€¦and THEN determine how many more to offer admissions to? Sort of a way to better determine the acceptance yield by screening the early commits first???

Hi! What was his scores and is he in state? Thank you!