Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@19parent, students make that mistake year after year, Cal Poly knows about it, and nothing changes. I don’t know why. I try to throw out warnings every year, but obviously this is a small subset of applicants here and most don’t even see what I post. Even though it’s a crappy (I can’t type the word I want here) life lesson, the resilience she will gain from this, by failing, but absolutely succeeding in the long run, will make her a better, stronger woman. It just sucks in the process. She will have many opportunities. Best of luck!

Congratulations to all that have been accepted into SLO! Curious to know if this university is one of your top choices or is it a safety school for you?

safety and my D isnt even admitted yet. but a really good safety

@LisaCollege, for most majors, choosing CP as a safety is a REALLY BAD IDEA. A safety is a school you are GUARANTEED to get into and ABSOLUTELY can afford.

Still haven’t heard back for Business Administration with MCA around 4365. Some of my friends have gotten in already and others haven’t. I don’t think they are done giving out acceptances.

@LisaCollege DS admitted for ME. A top choice, in the mix of 3 top choices for him. For engineering SLO (I think) should be a close to top choice for most.

@19parent - I agree whole heartedly with you! We are OOS and Cal Poly is the only Cal school my son wants to attend - he completed the Cal State Apply application following instructions on that site but not googling and researching how to apply to Cal Poly itself - if the CSU schools all use the same applications the instructions should be clear! And - if our students took spanish through spanish 3, and are still taking math - Calc 3 - they obviously took spanish 1 and Algebra 1 and Geometry as Geometry is a graduation requirement etc. I could go on - we are so disappointed as well - and yet, so frustrated that we could have avoided this. Cal students probably have the upper hand on this bc they know about this from talking to friends etc - I emailed and tried to online chat - but I think it’s futile. My 4857 mca son is now a 4587 ish student bc he didn’t report middle school grades. Sad reality but life is full of hard knocks I guess.


A safety and a school you just aren’t jazzed about aren’t the same thing. In a perfect world, every school on an applicants list should be competing to be THE ONE. After my son got his acceptances, he agonized between a school that admits everyone, a school that admits about 40% and a school that is super selective. He didn’t SIR until 2 days before the deadline.

@LisaCollege. CP is a top choice for many applicants. My son applied and was accepted (two years ago) to UCLA, USC, Pepperdine, UC Davis and Baylor. He was declined at CP! Last year I believe they declined something like 11,000 students with a 4.0 or better. I think in state students realize how hard it is to get in.

@eyemgh When my first daughter was applying to colleges in 2014, her advisor instructed her to look at the Selection Criteria for each college and if Cal Poly was one of her choices to pay attention to their specific Freshman Selection Criteria. She said that each school within the CSU’s sets their own criteria. Here is the link to the page for SLO: She said my daughter MUST have all the DESIRED Coursework to have a fighting chance, that included 10 Semesters of English &10 Semesters of Math. This is the first “clue” that they are expecting “more”. Right below this section, they talk about “Middle School” grades… another “clue”. I admit it is super tricky and I’m glad she was advised to pay attention to the “Desired” coursework. She was short on Math and ended up taking an Adv Math class at a Community College and listed it on her application as “in progress” like all of her other Senior year classes and was accepted into Biology.

This time around, with my youngest daughter, her counselor knew nothing about this. I wish there was a way to inform students, so this oversight doesn’t happen. For some kids, depending on the major applied to, it may not matter if they miss a few points…but in the most competitive majors, every point matters. It breaks my heart that these kids who worked so hard over the years miss out on an acceptance at Cal Poly.

@CoProud I agree but I have to say theres a lot of cal students that didnt know about this either. One thing I would say is the way that pdf was linked in the app made me not check it because I was like oh a-g classes during high school, I know how to do that. Why would I check for help if I know what to do for high school a-gs. If it said something along the lines of make sure you didnt forget to add any of these important classes or even explicitly told us to add middle school grades it would have been understandable that we didnt get admissions because we were careless. I don’t know if any of this made sense I’m just frustrated about this.

CP must be happy that they got all those application fee kind of free of cost except a little CPU usage for the computer who dropped those kids from consideration. Way to go CP! And don’t worry I’ll not come to get my tax dollar back :slight_smile:

Have you heard anything yet. My D hasn’t heard anything and neither has a classmate.

i haven’t heard for child development yet but i’m doubting i’ll get in at this point.

@eyemgh: I agree wholeheartedly in your definition of “safety” and there’s still a lot of folks out there that have no idea how selective CP is and how competitive the overall student body’s academic achievements. I’m in state and both of my son’s applied to 3 schools and CP was and will never be considered a “safety” school, that’s being naive and uninformed. Older boy got accepted, is studying CE and younger is deciding btwn sjsu and maritime. CP is the most selective of the CSU’s in California bar none. More people need to be aware, but CP is not for everyone.

@3girlsinCA Do you know what her MCA is? My d has a little higher stats than that but close and still hasn’t heard but left out MS Alg 1 and not local or anything extra special to raise that MCA. She did get into SDSU but still wants a choice if possible. Thanks for any data you can provide, as I think this is the only CD acceptance on here so far.

Hah. Nice if you have an alternate, my dd wasn’t able to add an alternate to Child Development for some strange reason. One and done.

i wasn’t able to add an alternate to child development either!

Yeah, and we have no idea why. Strange. What’s your MCA? I wonder if it’s close to my d’s.