Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

i’m not sure what it is but i have a 4.04 gpa and a 28 act.

Well, good luck. Her MCA is about 4574 from what I can figure. 4.2 max CSU GPA; 1410 SAT. And she should have chosen Liberal Studies as she wants to be a teacher. Not sure why she chose CD. But may not get in anyway so I guess it doesn’t matter. Oh, well, her UCs are out maybe starting end of next week so more drama then @nodramallama13! Hopefully the essays make up for what leaving out MS classes did to her here.

my s has a 4600-4750 mca.
He still hasn’t heard back for Mechanical Engineering. what r his chances?

So @eyemgh or @Gumbymom, any idea why some were allowed to add alternate majors and some were not?

When my daughter first applied to Cal Poly the alternate major wasn’t working. I called and they told me the system wasnt working right now and she could try again tomorrow but that they really dont consider an alternate major so she just submitted with the one major.

So not many decisions being announced today. What does this mean? Maybe they are waiting until Friday for the next wave or for waitlist?

@Last1Done, no, I don’t, but it is probably academic anyway. Poly hardly ever moves to seconds anyway. Every major is impacted. They only move to seconds if a major doesn’t fill. The almost all always do.

@goldengatesevs I actually got my acceptance on March 1st but I was so busy with robotics that I didn’t check the portal until March 4th, i was actually expecting my decision to be released on March 8th, so I was fairly surprised to see that I had been offered conditional admission earlier. To maintain acceptance: must send high school transcripts, have a C or higher in all my classes, and maintain a 3.0 GPA senior year. That should all be a piece of cake. That said, I believe that decisions may go in alphabetical order so Architecture would be at the top of the alphabet behind agriculture, However that is just some speculation.

has anyone else not heard anything? i haven’t recieved and email from cal poly since october 30 and i’m on their email list…

@eyemgh, so does that mean if students have not heard anything, there is no chance of acceptance this late? My D applied for Marine Science, MCA 4300, GPA>4.2 (I know that doesn’t matter). CP was her dad’s alma mater and her heart was set; I just want to know if I should encourage her patience or a dose of reality?

Sounds like a good amount of students are hearing back. I have not yet, but a few of my friends have gotten in as of yesterday. Anyone know from past history if they send most of the acceptances all in the same week? I’m also curious if they decline through the portal or snail mail? Just want to know already and move on! :slight_smile:

@Last1Done @nodramallama13 After my daughter applied to SLO, she got an email confirming her application. In that email, it stated the following: If you were not able to select an alternate major at the time you submitted your application and would like to add one,

last year the sent the freshmen acceptance in waves a couple of days apart, the first wave I heard were locals and kids with high MCA for their majors.

I know this has been asked a few times, but how does CP send out admsn decisions? A few of my D’s friends have heard, but she is still waiting to hear back. Is it random? Do they slowly trickle out?

How do you find out if you got denied? Will it be posted on the portal, or is the only way to find out through snail mail?

@blondegirlK8 The “not accepted” update is posted on your portal.

@ccrn162, I’d do both, urge caution and patience.

This probably isn’t very helpful because I don’t know my CSU GPA and therefore can’t get my MCA but here’s some info–
GPA: 4.02/4.2(10-12)
ACT: 33
Not from SLO area
Lots of extracurriculars
both parents graduated from HS

I was accepted into my alternate major (comparative ethnic studies). My original major was psych.

@ladyconstellation Congrats! Thanks for posting. A few people on here have been accepted into their alternates, despite impaction. When were you accepted? Trying to find out if they’re still rolling out, but just more slowly.

Crap. I didn’t know that Cal Poly wanted me to submit my middle-school classes as well. Luckily, it isn’t my top choice (part of the reason why I didn’t give due diligence to Cal Poly’s admissions website). This whole thing is still frustrating though, as my counselor said that she knew the ins-and-outs of Poly’s application process and guided me through it.

For all those who did the same thing as I did and have Poly as your top choice, I feel for ya. It really sucks to miss out on your dream college just because you made a little boo boo on your application after four years of high school grind.

Anyways, good luck to everyone waiting for that decision and congratulations to everyone who has been accepted! :slight_smile: