Cal Poly SLO Class of 2023 Thread

@JWNimble were you at an FRC comp? I was sitting in the stands for the Del Mar regional FRC robotics comp and during the lunch break after alliance selection my son asked me to check his portal. He was excited, but then had to fix a broken gear box. Ha ah build season!

Thanks! I was accepted this morning/early afternoon (after 6:30, before 1:30)

@nodramallama13 My daughter is a Child Development freshman at CP. She had a 4.33 GPA and 30 ACT. Hope you hear soon. Good luck!

@ladyconstellation: congratulations and what major?

Has anyone gotten into SLO as an english major yet? I have a CSU GPA of 3.8 and a 1240 GPA. It’s on the low end of SLO’s average scores, but I just wanna see my rejection now LOL (yes I know
 why go here as an English major? That’s another story
 for another thread

my good friend got in to English from my school

@codingismygame Hope you get in :slight_smile: And as for the English degree. Our son got slack for that all the time as well. Graduated in 4 quick years and got a fabulous job at a high tech company in Silicon Valley. If that is what you like, then go for it.

comparative ethnic studies–my alternate major. first choice was psych

has anyone heard back for the public health science major?

@withachance @Devakshi my D got in for Public Health the first day admissions started to roll out. UWGPA 4.0/CSUGPA 4.4, her MCA on the calculator was 4789.

Good luck.

@Devakshi Yes Post #485 & 599 Click the magnifying glass next to the page # from your computer.

Anyone heard about math major acceptances?

Have there been some rejections yet? Not to bring things down, but I’ve heard a lot more about acceptances. Just trying to figure out if those of us who have not heard yet are on the rejection list or if more acceptances could be coming.

@codingismygame my friend got in as a English major with considerably lower stats than you

@dancergirl5 Yes there have been math acceptances. See Final Status 2019 thread for further details as that thread may be easier to read through as there are fewer posts

Has anyone got in as a Kinesiology major yet?

@maddylee17 I have t seen anything yet on the final acceptance thread or others. My D is waiting to hear and the wait is so hard! Good luck!

@lostbraincells - glad to know us “out of staters” aren’t the only uninformed - jk. I absolutely agree with you, my son didn’t look for direction or pointers on the Cal Poly website - he knew he had to apply on “Cal State Apply”, didn’t question his understanding of qualifications and completed the app. I"m not saying he definitely would have been admitted - but a fair shake would be nice! And - just a side note - you wouldn’t think to add your middle school coursework under your 9th grade coursework. Truly frustrating - and sad actually. Not only are many young adults missing out on the CP experience, CP is missing out on lots of great students who didn’t know that the fact that they finished spanish 3 didn’t guarantee that they took spanish 1
 and the fact that they have taken Algebra 2, Trig/Pre Calc, AP Calc BC, Calc 3 implied that they took Algebra 1 and geometry in middle school. Shoot!!

Has anyone heard from child development? Feels like I have been waiting forever!!! A bunch of my friends heard back yesterday and I’m getting so anxious!!! Do they release decisions by major? Or by highest stats??

i haven’t heard from child development either @yooblecchh45678