Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

Does anyone know if it’s possible to switch majors at CalPoly?? Within the college of engineering… My kid started having second thoughts about chosen major… In particular from aerospace to cs?? It’s probably to late to make changes to her App… It would be nice to hear from people who’s kids go or went there…

It ain’t easy to change majors, especially between colleges, but it can be done. I believe your MCA score as a freshman admitted applicant to your original must be similar to or greater than an admitted applicant to the major one desires to change to. And your GPA must meet requirements of the new school/major.

She can change her major using the form below. Deadline is January 15 , 2020.

Changing within the College of Engineering after being accepted is easier than between colleges. Her MCA points will also determine if she would qualify for the CS major if changing as stated by @sushiritto. Here is the information:

To change to CSC from all other CENG majors (except CPE/SE), you must complete an application (see Step #5).

You are then required to schedule an appointment with a Change of Major Advisor in Engineering Student Services to create an ICMA. If you are granted an ICMA, it will be one quarter and will require one of the following:

Option #1:

“B” grade or higher in CPE 101*
Minimum Term GPA of 3.300
Minimum Cal Poly Cumulative GPA of 3.300
At least one math or other relevant major/support course for CPE designated by a Change of Major Advisor with C- or better
Option #2 (if you are unable to achieve a Cal Poly cumulative GPA of 3.3):

“B” grade or higher in CPE 101*
Minimum Term GPA of 3.700
At least one math or other relevant major/support course for CPE designated by a Change of Major Advisor with C- or better
*If you have AP or transfer credit for CPE 101, you will be required to take CPE 202 or the next CSC/CPE course in the series

The completion of coursework in the intended major without prior consultation with a Change of Major Advisor does not guarantee your eligibility to change into the intended major.

Step 5: Complete Engineering’s Change of Major Application

Submitting a complete Change of Major Application may result in the change of major being initiated if the requirements are met, so you must be sure of your decision before submitting.
Review the entire application before filling it out. This application requires specific action on your part that you may need to schedule time to complete. Also, it may be helpful to include your answers in a separate document in case you need to leave the application and complete it at a later time.
If approved, you will receive an email from within about one week of submitting the application that will require your prompt approval.
If you are changing for the second or more time, then you may be required to make an appointment with an advisor. You will be contacted by email if this is required.
Applications will close each quarter at the end of the 10th week of instruction and re-open after the Cal Poly cumulative GPA posts.

Yes. In my experience, that is very common and has happened to both my son (current Junior at CPSLO) and to my daughter (current applicant to CPSLO). As a general rule, check all of the gmail folders when dealing with Cal Poly.

Thank you, @Gumbymom, she is still thinking and unsure what to do. She just got admitted to really good cs program (she did not think she would get in and honestly put it as a first choice just because she could not list cs as second choice, but ae was available as second choice option), after that she started really thinking about pursuing cs. She likes it and she is good at it, so now she second guessing all her applications to ae… She really liked CalPoly, but still can’t answer 100% what she likes better ae or cs?? How good is CalPoly’s cs? Where do graduates work, intern??

@lkg4answers, no email for us… but we had problem finding their email about portal. Had to call to admissions, they resent it couple times and only after that we got it… weird…

@Noisymom: CS at SLO is the most competitive major (admission wise) and has the lowest acceptance rate of all majors at around 6.5%. The SLO career center has plenty of data available in regards to Internships and Post graduate jobs for all majors. I know that students have gotten Internships at Google, Amazon, Apple to name a few employers.

This is link has some information that you might find helpful:

In the SLO application, it says not to submit documents, such as essays, transcripts, etc.until asked. Have those requests gone out yet for anyone? D20 applied for CS (didn’t realize how competitive that was). OOS, but should have a very high mca. Wondering when to expect it or if you can read anything into a lack of a request?

@mrglubglub: SLO does not accept or require essays.

Transcripts will be due after you are accepted and enrolled. Deadline for transcripts is July 2020.

All that is required is the completed application submitted by Nov 30th and the official SAT or ACT score reports.

Just got in as international.

1450 SAT
Decent grades but far from perfect (don’t know gpa)
Major: Software Engineering

Was one of my top 3 choices and I AM SO HAPPY RN!!

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Cal poly slo?? I thought the decisions are coming out in March ?

Congrats, anyway!!!

@Noisymom: International applicants have in the past been accepted earlier than OOS and in-state applicants. Last year I saw several posts where International applicants got their decision around January and Early February.

Expect SLO decisions to start anytime between end of February through Early March.

@tahsinamio: Congratulations.

Good to know, @Gumbymom, thanks for the info as usual! :smile:

= MCA - 4771
= SAT - 1300 [superscore]
= Cal Poly GPA - 3.94
= Parent A didn’t graduate from high school
= 6-10 hours of major-related work
= 16 hours of extracurricular activities per week [held leadership]
= 10 semesters math, 8 semeseters lab science, 8 semesters english, 6 semesters of foreign language, 2 semesters of visual/performing arts

My son got admission in CS out of state. Waiting for UC admission results. I know Cal Poly SLO is good school for CS but read that getting into courses/classes is tough. And on-campus food is poor.

I thought decisions would be sent in the middle of February for IS and OOS applicants.

@DiHydrogen2121: In the past, only a few International applicants have heard so early. Highly unusual and questioning if this is an error or truly an early acceptance since no other posters from OOS have posted a decision yet. You usually see these threads come alive once decisions are posted. We will see. New poster and I tagged their other post for clarification.

@Noisymom Yes SLO! Thanks!
@Gumbymom Thank you

Has anyone else heard that if you get accepted to SDSU, you probably won’t get accepted to SLO? And vice versa? My D was already accepted to SDSU in December so she thinks she won’t get into SLO based on what others have said. Just curious!

@Pepper50: Complete nonsense. Each campus is a separate entity and they do not confer with each other on admission decisions.