Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

@Pepper50, as @Gumbymom said, schools don’t do this. Plus, why would they? If they identify candidates that they think are desirable, they compete to get students to choose them. If they did do that, yields wouldn’t hover in the 30% range. Long story short, tell her to keep her hopes up. If she doesn’t get into Cal Poly it isn’t because she got into SDSU.

@eyemgh Thank you. I told her as much but maybe it will help seeing it from someone else!

@Gumbymom Thank you! This was my hunch as well but it’s hard to argue with “that’s what everyone says” LOL

@Pepper50: Also another “that’s what everyone says” is that you cannot be accepted to both UCLA and UC Berkeley, but that has been proven wrong many times over.

My daughter(international Applicant) got into Cal poly SLO- she checked the portal on Jan 9 and it said Admitted. She hasn’t gotten an email but her guidance counselor told her that happens often (that the email isn’t sent properly).

any idea on when OSS will receive decisions? i’ve heard around february 20th or so. any one know how accurate this is? SLO is my #1 and i’m so anxious and just want to know already!!

@jaypearows: Last year, OOS decisions started February 28th.

My son is suddenly worried he didn’t request his ACT scores to be sent in…would Cal Poly reach out to him if those were somehow not received yet? (I can’t imagine there’s actually a problem but I think he just heard some horror story from a friend applying to a different school!)

@Pepper50 Both my daughter and my son were accepted to SDSU and at SLO in 2018 and 2019.

@HopefulMadre: He can check his student portal to see if the ACT scores have been received. Also he should be checking all his student portals for the “to do list” to see if anything else is being requested to be sent.

@HopefulMadre I’m pretty sure you can login to your ACT account and see if the scores were sent, and to whom.

@HopefulMadre I applied to Cal Poly on a whim on the night the app was due. I am not accustomed to California’s application as an OOS student, and I forgot to send my ACT scores. I received an email a few weeks ago that told me to send my scores.

@1mo1bo where did they each end up going?

My wife and I both graduated from Cal Poly SLO in business administration.

Our oldest son has applied to UC Berkeley, UCLA, Davis, Santa Barbara, Cal Poly SLO, Cal Poly Pomona, and San Diego for aerospace engineering.

GPA - 4.2
SAT - 800 math and 690 reading
10 semesters math, 8 semesters lab science, 8 semesters english, 8 semesters foreign language, and 2 semesters art.
Zero hours work
15 hours extracurricular (sports) activities with leadership
No other bonuses
MCA - 4686

He was accepted at San Diego within about two weeks after applying.

Now we just wait!

@Gumbymom and @eyemgh Thank you for all your insight and support!!!
I have a Senior applying. We LOVE Cal Poly! QuickQ~Would VPA include concert band (2 semesters) and/or Symphonic band (4 semesters)? With given 50 points of VPA, I

calculated his MCA to be=4939. How would you rate his chance of acceptance as a Math Major?

What is VPA?

@JandTsDad: Visual performing arts a CSU a-g course requirement.

@trustworthy: Band would qualify for VPA and bonus points. Based on his MCA points, he is competitive as a Math major.

You can check last years MCA points by searching this thread:

@Pepper50 They both chose SLO. One is majoring in Kinesiology. The other is majoring in engineering. They were both accepted into SDSU Honors college as well and were impressed with what they had to offer. In the end, they chose SLO because they are nature lovers and loved the small town feel of SLO. Though lack of good food is a common complaint but they are both still finding that SLO is a good fit for them and have adjusted quite well, academically and socially.

@trustworthy, I would think 4900+ would be competitive for most any major. That said, without added bonus points like Hayden Partner School, living in the service area, etc., it is very hard to amass 4939 MCA points. It requires a perfect SAT, perfect GPA, all rigor points, all EC points including leadership AND working in a major related job at least 10 hours per week or 16 hours per week in a non-major related job. Are you certain you calculated it correctly?