Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

Unless they decide to change things up this year…seems like every other school my daughter applied to has changed their way of doing things for 2020.

A handful of students with international affiliation seem to have been accepted.

The moms on this thread might relate - It’s like waiting to go into labor…? you know it’s going to happen, but nobody knows when. I’m laughing thinking about it. Instead of waiting to bring them into the world, we’re waiting to send them out on their own. Good luck to all. Exciting times for these young adults…and for us. :relaxed:

Soo true!

@momamet that’s such a great analogy and puts it perfectly into words! Thanks for sharing that :slight_smile:

We live in SLO so I am trying to keep mine as close as I can! Fingers crossed everyone!

@JandTsDad did your child get into SLO? I saw that you commented on the final decision thread:)

How competitive is the parks, recreation and tourism (industry management) major?

That’s what my daughter applied for, there were a couple of acceptances in the 2019 thread that will give you an idea.

Hello everyone. JandTsDad–who has commented on this post several times–posted on the stats thread that his son (in-state) was accepted to Aerospace Engineering yesterday at 1 pm. It was not entirely obvious that the stats thread was for SLO, so I thought I would let everyone know.

I’m guessing it’s not true. He was also posting in this in this thread after Sunday, 1 pm about the timing and acknowledging that OOS would hear before in-state. It’s also consistent with his sense of humor.

Hey everyone! This is a super stressful time for everyone concerned. Please make sure you post accurate information about decision information. We are all in the same boat and on the same team. If we are parents (me), we want the very best for our kids and if we are the student (my son), we want to hear great news from SLO!!

Agreed! I hope results come out soon!!

I think it might have been a mistake. I’m pretty sure CP hasn’t released any decisions other than the internationals. I’m from the local area and every year we get lots of who go to cal poly and we haven’t had a single acceptance yet.

This is irritating.

I talked to my Aunt yesterday and she said she has heard of a handful of kids that have heard back. (i’m-state)

Personally, I have not heard of anyone yet

Good information, thank you.

Has anyone got in for computer science yet?

The only people who have heard anything are international students.