Cal Poly SLO Class of 2024 New Applicants Thread

@blakeedwards02 are you in state? Also would you mind sharing your MCA I’m on the waitlist for business admin as well!! Thank you!!!

Sooo i don’t know my MCA but i had a 1120 SAT (so bad haha) and a 3.49 GPA (4.25 W). oh and also i’m black and they have like 10 black people in the whole school so that could also be a reason haha. I’m out of state as well

Congratulations @blakeedwards02. On paper, your SAT and unweighted GPA made this a “reach” school for you, but you were accepted, so that is what counts. Your weighted GPA is above average. Being out of state, have you looked at the financial cost?

@henrynvn Congratulations!
My DS is on the WL for ME too. Did you send a LOCI, or just elect to be waitlisted?
Are you instate, and what where your stats.

Does anyone receive official acceptance letter by mail? My Son got accepted by email notification 2 weeks ago, but didn’t receive any mail. He is international student, we live in Southern California.

No letters by mail. All done through portal and email.

I didn’t send LOCI as I know they won’t accept any, I just got elected to be off the waitlist. Good luck to your son!!

My stats weren’t that good, I think I was just lucky
4.3 weighted GPA
1320 SAT

"Does anyone receive official acceptance letter by mail? "


Did any statistics majors get off the waitlist or is it just engineering kids so far

Hi NightHawkIV, do you know when will they send out the physical letter? My S emailed the admission office, they said it’s international center’s job. But the international center didn’t reply his email for 4 days

Cal Poly no longer sends out acceptance letters. Everything is done through email. It could be different for international students but US students only receive emails.

My daughter was waitlisted March 28 and received acceptance April 6.
OOS, Architecture.
Have financial statement for Cal Poly been sent out? Is portal current? Hard to tell with how long we waited for notifications.

Gumbymom, I found the table
, the 2020-2021 Cal Poly Enrollment Projections table.
I am interested of admittion rate statistics, which could have been derived from the numbers in this table (for the previous years), if we were to know the matriculation rate, at least approximately.
Say, for Aerospace Engineering, there are 1842 First Time Freshmen applications, and the target is 90. If the matriculation rate is 50%, the acceptance rate for aerospace is 90/1842/0.5 = 9.8%, and if matriculation rate is 30%, the acceptance rate is 16%. Do you know whether it is possible to get the acceptance rate by major?
Thank you!

As far as I know, Cal Poly does not release those statistics by major, but they do for each of the colleges. Here’s a link to the most recent data I could find for the College of Engineering:

The acceptance rate for freshman applicants in 2018 was 22.8%, and of those, the yield (what you’re referring to as the matriculation rate) was 25.3%. If you apply those percentages to your 1842 freshman applications for Aerospace Engineering, you get 106.25, so presumably, those percentages are a little high for Aerospace.

Hope that helps.

“Do you know whether it is possible to get the acceptance rate by major?”

As far as I know, the answer is No.

I think you can get an approximate acceptance rate by major using this table. Take the FTF target number and multiply it by 3 to get the number admitted. Then divide by the number of FTF applications to get the percentage.

So for Aerospace Engineering they would have admitted 270 (90 x 3) and out of 1842 applications = 14.7% acceptance rate.

@NoVaRat @ElenaParent: In 7 years, I have not been able to find the acceptance rate by major for SLO. The projections with an approximate 33% yield calculation is probably as close as you can get.

Yes, I made that calculation in my post for the yield of 50% and the yield of 30%. You are suggesting the yield of 33%. I guess, we all can just keep guessing - Gumbymom, who knows a lot, tells us that she wasn’t able to find the acceptance rate by major for 7 years by now…

@ElenaParent Either way, no matter the exact yield, what you definitely CAN see is how many students they want to enroll versus how many applications they received, which is valuable information!

@ronaldmcdonald2001 Im a stats major and I just got off the waitlist a few days ago