Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

Ok thanks so committing is just clicking accept right since there was no payment

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Do only people with low income get invited to the calpoly scholars program

See the website and yes low income is a consideration for being a Scholar.

The Cal Poly Scholars program seeks to support and retain high-achieving students from California schools, who come from low-income backgrounds, by providing financial, academic, and community resources.

Cal Poly has tried to enhance their diversity for the last few years so they are targeting low SES students.


Do you guys know what living community might live in yakitutu this year

And what is the most popular living communities?

Well that was painful. SLO has an antiquated system for housing registration. FB said use Chrome or Firefox, but we eventually used the Safari browser to get in. Housing, dining and orientation registration are done. :white_check_mark:

We set school/major (CAFES) and honors as the living communities, even though we don’t know if her honors app will be accepted.

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I got in on Firefox for one twin. No luck for the other.

My son got through pretty easily on chrome. Not sure if that can help anyone.

He chose school/major (CENG) and substance free as his living communities. He settled on the middle meal plan and we’ll give him the cash difference between that and the large plan to use for door dash meal treats. He’s a long distance runner and eats a lot. Thought that was funny that he already knew he’d like to have a little more variety in food. .

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FYI everyone: there is no rush to get through for housing. There is no priority. You just have to have it in by May 7.

Yep, we know. We just wanted to get it out the way 1st thing. D is excited.

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I finally got in for twin 2. They want in person orientation and were afraid it would fill up. It turns out twin 2’s major had a tech error but cal poly emailed me back and called and fixed everything. All set now.

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Substance free living community lived in the newest dorms last year, hopefully it’s the same this year, I put CENG as my second option.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t yakatutu (sp?) consist of 7 newish buildings? If so, I’m sure they can accommodate more than just the “substance free” students, but I may be wrong.

Yes there were honors living there too I believe

Posting this on behalf of @Sharky1103 along with some replies. Trying to keep the stats only discussion just stats.

Admission Decision: Accepted from an Appeal today
Major: Materials Engineering
GPA: 3.95 SLO, 4.4 weighted
In-state/OOS/International: In State
Local/Non-local: Non-local
HS course rigor: 7 APs, 5 college courses, around 10 or so Pre-AP
EC’s and major related job: Max EC hours and major related job

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Congratulations…good to see someone getting in off an appeal


Congratulations. Are you willing to elaborate on the basis for your appeal for future students?

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I had quite a bit of health issues during my first semester of junior year which caused a dip in my grades for that semester. In my appeal I explained that and how my health issues have been something I have been working on and will not pose an issue if I were to attend Cal Poly. I also talked about how I used that grade dip as a motivation to push myself for the rest of that year to fulfill a leadership role in an extracurricular and to get all 5’s and 4’s on my AP tests. The last thing I talked about is how Cal Poly has been my top school for 4 years and I would very likely attend if i were admitted.
I was not expecting to hear back from them by today… on the website I believe it said appeals took around 3 weeks. No email or anything yet, I just happened to check my portal.


Congrats. Were you rejected or waitlisted before?

I was rejected

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