Cal Poly SLO Class of 2025 Regular Decision

That’s a very good question. I was basing it on the mca and CSU max gpa GPA Calculator | CSU

I know the UCs take your high school into account but not sure about the CSUs. Maybe they do :thinking:


I am not an admission officer, so I can not say for certain. This is my opinion from the various comments I read. It seems that the admissions are playing the cap number game. It is the first come first serve type admission. The rejected applicants are obvious ones that they filter out initially. The remaining ones will be either accepted or waitlisted. Once the acceptance cap is filled, the remaining will be waitlisted no matter how much more qualified than the already accepted students. Each applicant is just a number. Otherwise, you can not explain how come they can accept students while they are still reviewing the remaining applicants.

I don’t think they are still reviewing them. They review the whole pool together. They may be still weighing some final decisions and shuffling numbers right now.

By now they probably are done reviewing. But when the initial wave of acceptance came, someone called the Admissions, and their response was that they have not completed the entire review. And still there are many students have not heard the decisions. Why?

This, I feel it has something to do with historical information on percentage of accepted students who end up attending Cal Poly. I remember one parents from Bay Area saying that the percentage of ivies acceptance is much higher than Poly acceptance at their high school.

I called last Friday I believe that they said there were more acceptances and waitlists to come

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I guess I don’t understand this trickling acceptance. I think they should complete the entire review first, just like other Universities.

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This would actually make sense, but if this is the case, they should tell the students that it behooves them to get apps in early.

I submitted mine in October but haven’t heard anything

It is definitely not first come, first serve.


a couple. of my friends have gotten rejections so far so i think at least one round has come out

I fully agree. We are not impressed with SLO at all. Our son has been accepted to both UCI and SDSU (including Weber Honors) but not a peep yet from SLO. If its a rejection fine but what is the point of stringing along students like this. It never was really high on his list but he’s now completely lost interest in the school.

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You are not impressed with SLO because you haven’t heard anything yet and he has lost interest in the school because of this? Is it SLO Admissions you are not impressed with or the entire school?

If Harvard was the only school he wanted to go to his entire life and they handled admissions decision release dates like SLO (they don’t), would you be “unimpressed with Harvard” and would he lose interest in Harvard because he hadn’t heard yet? If he was accepted the first wave or second wave at SLO, would you then be impressed with SLO and would he still have interest?

College admissions come in two flavors basically for regular decision: everybody hears on one date (yes, no, waitlist) and rolling/waves (SLO). I understand your frustration but this is how it goes at many schools.


SLO said that admissions will take place up to April 1.

My daughter goes to SLO. It’s impressive.

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Do you know when they received their rejections?

I will just say this…And I have a kid at CP and one still waiting. But I have been following these boards for years. You hear the same complaints every year. Just different people doing the complaining. I get it, because we are highly invested and it seems kind of cruel, but go back to past boards and research the style of the school as they release. Every year CP does admissions, waitlists, rejections. There are no waves. At least I have not seen any in the past 5 years. And while I have no evidence, I doubt the yield protection theory. And if you call admissions and they say they are not done…note that this is a canned response. Look back to previous years posts. They say this but there are never any acceptances to follow. This year has seemed a bit different as I have seen a few stragglers so who knows what could happen. But know where you are applying and know their style of acceptance. I have written off DD #2 as a rejection. It was a reach so not a huge surprise. In short…hope for the best but expect the worst.


When I was in graduate school in 2012, I would go to after school lectures/speeches whenever the topic was education. I heard lectures by faculty (the story of their online management class that enrolled 500,000 students from around the world and how that was managed was very interesting), speeches by various outside people, and one night, the president of the university (Stanford). It was interesting to me that he thought high school kids took too many AP classes. He thought 4-5 was sufficient. He thought students should instead focus on their personal intellectual interests. Many of the silicon valley types also mirrored that idea and suggested that a student should show intellectual engagement apart from school. So, maybe just ticking the standard school boxes isn’t the best way to go?


Thank you for posting this and to have a reasonable perspective. I agree since I have been a CC poster for many years, helping numerous friends/relatives and my own son’s through the SLO application process and I agree that their admission decision timeline is always the same and with the same complaints. I also agree it is far from ideal, but no one except admissions knows precisely what goes on behind the scenes.

I like all applicants/parents to view this news article:


I can’t imagine a staff person at SLO telling the public more acceptances were coming when they knew that wasn’t the case.