Cal poly slo fall 2017 transfer thread

Major: Mechanical Engineering (Mechatronics)
Current College: Pasadena City College
IGETC: Done except for a few arts/humanities courses.
Major Prep: Finished after this semester - Currently in differential equations, along
with a MATLAB course.
GPA: 3.65
ECs: Full-time summer Internship at JPL, also involved with a few engineering clubs on campus.
In-State, Out-of-State: In state

Hope I get in this year! (Was denied last time with a 3.18 :P)

@Tssteiner, there’s more to it than GPA. You have more of the recommended courses too. That’s a big part of the admissions algorithm.


Excellent! Hopefully I’ll have a much better shot this time. :slight_smile:

I have a couple courses that I need to enter into my application in the health education section on the application. However, after entering four classes there’s no room for one more, what do I do?

By the way I contacted admissions today about the question above. They said enter in the best 4 classes you have taken, due to that being the only room there is on the app. Hope that is helpful!

Applying fall 2017.
GPA: 3.78
2 clubs I’m involved in
Resume: 1 solar company internship, 1 job with management experience, 1 job in sales experience.
AST Degree in business admin
Transferring from a CC

What are my chances??? My top choice is probably UCB haas for obvious reasons but that’s super competitive. Cal Poly seems like a great option

Will be a senior transfer which will probably lower my chances
Major: Business Administration
Current School: Loyola Marymount University
All Major Requirements: done
GPA: ~3.2
Extra Curricular: 2 jobs (30+hours a week), full-time job at accounting business over the summer, club volleyball, member of Accounting Society on campus.

Cal Poly has been my dream school since day 1. I know the likelihood of getting in at this point is very low but I can’t help but give it one final try.

Just realized I never posted my own stats!

Major: Anthropology and Geography
Current College: Cuesta College
IGETC: Will be completed Spring 2017 (along with AA-T)
Major Prep: Will be completed Spring 2017
GPA: 3.11
ECs: 21+ Hours, President of Soccer Club
Work: 11-15 hours a week, Not major related

Major: Electrical Engineering
Current College: Mt San Jacinto College
Major Prep: Finished in the Spring - Currently in physics, calc2, c++, and linear algebra
My transferable GPA at Mt San Jacinto is 3.73 for 60 units (2015-2016)
My transferable GPA at Pasadena City College is 2.53 for 14 units (2011)
All transferable GPA is 3.51
ECs: Work as an stem for after school program that teaches children basic engineering disciplines

Really worried about my GPA just because I had a stellar GPA but didn’t realize my PCC GPA would be counted.
So I feel my GPA is just average, I have a chance but feels like 50/50. Let me know your thoughts!

Major: Computer Engineering
Current College: Cal Poly Pomona
IGETC: No, CPP doesn’t do that, but I will be done with all lower-division GEs at CPP by transfer time.
Major Prep: Mostly, some of them don’t articulate.
GPA: 3.62 (that’s including a 4.00 for some CC courses)
ECs: I work 20 hours a week in the IT dept at CPP, but other than that I just do the occasional fun club (not IEEE).
In-State, Out-of-State: In-State

I have my schedule set up so that I’m losing no time at CPP, and I’ll be mostly ready to transfer, so I can stay here or go if I get in. I feel like I lucked out by setting it up that way, but I still really hope I can get into SLO.

Quick question. So after applying to Cal Poly, does current (fall quarter) and spring quarter count towards our GPA as well? Or do they base their decision off of our first year? Im very confused and worried about my chances.

Major: M.E
Current College: De Anza Community
IGETC: Will be done by spring 2017
Major prep: will be done by spring 2017
GPA: Currently 3.34
ECs: 3 M.E. internships at Tesla, Vander-Bend, and San Jose State in the Engineering lab.
In state

If they take my GPA from this quarter and next i should have a 3.5 or so.

Please help a guy out. Cal poly is perfect for me. I hate how competitive things are, you have to be near perfect now a days. What do you guys suggest?

@Raymondcruz I believe they only take your GPA from the courses you’ve completed, so you can’t make a prediction on how well you will do in this current semester/quarter or future semesters/quarters. For example, if you completed a total of 2 years at a community college (for me, that would be 8 semesters including intersession and summer), then you would count all of those grades to calculate your GPA. Does that make sense?

I definitely agree with you! We have to be perfect and usually live close to SLO, it sucks. Hoping I get in as well, good luck to you!

Major: Business Administration (Informations Systems Concentration)
Current College: Grossmont/Cuyamaca
IGETC: Complete (6 AP tests from high school contributed)
Major Prep: Completed after this semester (fall 2016)
GPA: 3.49 (hopefully about 3.6 by transfer time, 4.0 in all major coursework), Plus AS-T and AA-T in Business Administration for Transfer and Economics respectively
EC’s: Worked into the first couple months of the year then quit to focus on school, but was working over 30+ so average out 11-15, and virtually all work can be considered >25% relevance toward business majors.1-5 Hours EC and yes to leadership role)
In-State: SoCal, San Diego

Cal Poly Slo is my #1 choice, though I don’t expect to get in. They’re generally known for their engineering and STEM programs as a polytechnic university but they actually have an extremely expansive and well-managed business college with a wide variety of concentrations.

Major: Business Administration (Accounting)
Current College: Berkeley City College
IGETC: No. 1 more class in the spring of 2017
Major Prep: No. 1 more class in the spring of 2017
GPA: 3.75
ECs: Co-Founded a delivery business in my town. (25+ hours/week). Volunteer tutor in english and math for a summer program (3 consecutive years || 32+ hours/week) to educate the youth.
In-State, Out-of-State: NorCal, Berkeley

Completed statistics (A) and calculus 1 (A). Planning on dropping calculus 2 this semester and receive a “W”. Does anyone know if I will be less competitive in the application process? Considering calculus 2 is not required for business administration.

Major: Software Engineering
Current College: Mt. San Antonio College
IGETC: Nada. Got golden four and a handful of other GEs
Major Prep: All calc and DEqs, All calc-based physics, and articulation with CSC101/102. Missing CSC103 equivalent (because there isn’t one).
GPA:3.89, should be more like 3.92 by the time I transfer.
ECs: Zero.
In-State, Out-of-State: IS, non-citizen, permanent resident.

I feel like I’ve done as much as I can to give myself a fighting chance, but I get the feeling I’m about on-average with others looking to transfer to CS/ENG from what I’ve seen around the place.

Where would you list a business class you took? I’m an engineering major and I can’t find it on the application.

Major: Business Administration w/ concentration in accounting.
Current College: Los Angeles Valley College.
IGETC: CSU Breadth completed in place.
Major Prep: Only one class left after current semeseter. Will be completed by Spring 2017 with the exception of a course in statistical inference for management which can’t be completed at a CC.
GPA: currently 3.802. Not counting a B in Pierce college that will transfer over.
EC: Not too many. I am a PTK member (not active). I was and active member of my schools honor society TAE and for a semester was treasurer. I am doing a term in the Marine Corps Reserves.

squirtlesquirtle I know I kind of answered late but while receiving a W looks bad it will usually be overlooked if it’s one or two on your transcript. The W thing was partially set up as a fail safe against failing grades. If you have like several they will probably question you on it. I have like 4 so I don’t know how badly it will affect me.

Sorry to flood the board with my comments but can I just ask does anyone know the difference between a support course and a major course? For most majors on assist at Cal Poly there’s a section for major courses and then there’s one for support courses like what’s the difference?

@schneybley, my understanding is that major courses are those offered by the major department and support courses are useful and necessary courses offered in other departments. For example, my son is in Mechanical Engineering. His major courses are things like Intro. to ME, Engineering Statics, and Thermodynamics. His support courses are things like Calculus, Physics, Chemistry, and Materials Joining. Does that make sense?