Cal poly slo fall 2017 transfer thread

major: art and design ( graphic design )
Current College: Orange Coast College
IGETC: yes finishing it this spring. ( AA-T won’t be finished)
Major Prep: yes
GPA: 3.17
ECs: play volleyball for Occ, assisted girls volleyball, assist Beach volleyball class, work part time doing design work for companies,and design Occ gear for volleyball part time.

I just realized I put the incorrect number for grade points fml

Hey everyone,

So I realized that I entered the wrong major lol. I put economics instead of business administration (econ was my alternate major). I’m going to call them, but I wanted to know if this would affect my chances or can they change this easily and consider me based on business admin?


@rissd1: If you email or call SLO about a change to your application, they will give you link to their application change form. Here it is if you want to save time:

@Gumbymom Thank you!

Sorry linked the Freshman update form. Here is the transfer update form:

Oh no, I used the Freshman form! Hahah oh well, I guess I’ll do it again.

Major: Agricultural and environmental plant science
Current College: ventura college
IGETC: will be completed by spring 2017
Major Prep: all but 2 completed. These courses were nowhere to be found in the whole state, not sure why they even ask that we take them.
GPA: 3.92
ECs: lots of ECs including leadership

Major: Business Administration w/ concentration in accounting
Current College: Towson University
IGETC: Completed
Major Prep: Completed
GPA: 3.74
EC’s: Started a chapter of a fraternity, hiking club, co-manager of a cappella group, investment club, work less than 20/week. Have held a variety of jobs, one internship related to marketing. Have other ‘EC’s’, but most outdated and wouldn’t use on a current app.
Out-of-State: Maine

Major: Architecture
Current College: CSU Bakersfield
Involvements: Student governement, club president, club treasure, baseball coach for rec, senior/elderly sitter, sunday school teacher, and volunteer positions

Does anyone know if we are suppose to send an application to Cal Poly?

@senar129: Application for what? You apply with the CSU application for Cal Poly.

@seanr129 You mean the actual admission application? The dates for submitting that for Fall quarter 2017 were October 1 - November 30, it’s far too late to submit an application now. If you’re referring to the supplemental application, I haven’t heard back from them on that yet, though some CSU schools I applied to are asking me to start on those as early as January 4th.

shoot sorry, I meant transcripts. I don’t know why I mixed them up… haha. I was just wondering if we have to send them transcripts of our college, because CSU Chico asked for them, just wondering if Cal Poly requires them soon. Thank you.

Hey guys,

Does SLO ask for our fall grades by any chance? Because I did really well in my fall semester and was hoping it would boost my chances for admission.

Major: Mathematics/Concentration in Teaching
IGETC: nope
Pre-Req: All done except physics and data structures
GPA (not counting fall semester grades) : 3.65
EC: Just some part time job and boxed competitively as an amateur.

I would imagine so. I just completed the supplemental application for CSULB and they did kind of ask about my most recent semester.

Cal Poly says NOT to send in any Fall transcripts etc. They specifically say that they will not consider Fall 2016 grades…and if they want any additional information, they will contact the applicant directly. So bummer for those who got a GPA boost in Fall semester!

@calmom17 I’m not sure that’s strictly speaking true, they specify on their webpage “” that the deadline to submit transcripts for the fall quarter is in July, meaning your grades in Fall of 2016 and Spring of 2017 should matter, however, they state in their webpage here “” that

  • “Fall applicants cannot utilize Summer 2017 coursework to validate Admission requirements. Per the application instructions, these courses are not to be entered into the application.”
  • “Cal Poly does not update grades earned in the fall or spring semester of your senior year or year of transfer”

Not 100% sure of the implications of that second quote, though I believe it’s aimed at high schoolers, transfer students grades matter through Fall 2017 and possibly Spring 2017 (though they say “year of transfer” so possibly not) to the best of my understanding based on the information they provide, if you have a piece of information that says otherwise please do let me know.

@seanr129 That being said, they will not ask you to send transcripts until they provisionally admit you, if you don’t get in at all, you don’t have to send them of course, so wait until you hear from them in an email specifically stating you have been provisionally admitted and/or must send your transcripts. I’m not entirely sure if Cal Poly SLO even has a supplemental application like some CSU’s such as SDSU or CSULB.

I think that they only care that you pass (C or better) the in-progress Fall 2016 and planned Spring 2017 classes. They don’t want updates to your application for those grades. If you fail or drop one, then when they review transcripts later (after conditional acceptance?) your offer may be rescinded.

Yes, only send transcripts of FALL 2016 grade IF they request them ( for example…if you are provisionally accepted and they request them). One of the reasons so few community college transfers out of area are accepted is that SLO doesn’t factor in those grades. If you are planning on transferring after 2 years of community college, they are only using the GPA from Freshman year (and the summer following). In order to get full credit for a 2 year community college program, you’d have to apply after 3 years of work. They don’t give full credit for work in progress. To get full credit for completion of CSU Breadth or IGETC, it must be COMPLETED by the time of application. Seems unfair, but that is how they weed out, and it all done mostly by computer. SLO accepts the fewest transfers in the entire CSU system.