Cal poly slo fall 2019 transfer thread

Have any psychology majors heard back yet? I still have not heard anything.

I am waitlisted for psychology. The department is already small so not hopeful, really. I wish you better luck!

I’m psych and was waitlisted today

Any comms majors out there that haven’t heard yet? I have a 3.9 GPA and am local. Starting to get a little nervous. My portal still says no determination has been made yet.

I feel you @ib5199. I graduated from a local high school, applied for aerospace, 3.82 gpa, all required and desired done, and I still have no determination

Psych major and I have not heard back yet either :((

Psych major here too. Still no determination. I’m assuming it’s a no. But I’m very shocked that all the qualified applicants that got wait listed. Sorry to all who didn’t get in

Hello fellow transfers. Chiming in to wish you all the best of luck. I’m almost finished with 7 more classes to go (I was accepted 2017).

Lots of respect for transfers. We’re at a disadvantage and have to work harder than 4 year students. Just a couple days ago I had to contribute to a project I was not trained for at cc. The 4 years had the training and they aced it while I struggled badly. A few of them helped me and brought me up to speed.

I’ll be cheering for you, especially Business Admins, accounting, and Hancock College Santa Maria people!

@Pablocruise may I ask what the project was that the 4 years had training for and you didn’t even though ‘technically’ everyone should have had the same or similar classes, regardless of 4 year or cc? Are you an accounting major?

@Pablocruise Thank you! Transfers work hard!!! Best to you and never get discouraged! I tell that to myself eveyday. Waitlisted but I have to keep going and work in a plan b. Thank you for your sweet and supportive input :slight_smile:

Was curious what everyone’s application status says on their portal. Like mine just says “Thank you for applying to Cal Poly. We have received your application. No determination has been made at this time.”
Has there been no updates since I submitted?

same, been checking constantly


Yes, accounting.

It was the Ernst & Young DuPont analysis case. It requires Excel to filter a mountain of industry data in certain ways to get correct answers. The 4 years take an excel class along with their financial accounting class. We didn’t at (my) cc.

By the time we and they get to the same intermediate classes, most of the 4 year kids already had internships where they further augmented their Excel skills. At (my) cc, we didn’t.

Poly is a heavily targeted recruiting school with many firms coming to headhunt and recruit students. Opportunity is abundant here. At (my) cc, no one ever came to visit.

Combine the Excel answers with DuPont analysis to explain why shareholders and/or companies want or don’t want different kinds of conditions in different kinds of categories of the income statement, statement of cashflows, and balance sheet.


Thank you Rachel!
But I get discouraged all the time. lol It’s so easy to do.

Poly is a difficult place! Academically rigorous and socially (for transfers). It’s a 10 week quarter system and many transfers (like me) are from the 16 week semester system.

But for some reason, I keep getting back up after I get knocked down. Gotta walk that stage and get that degree!!!

Waitlisted 3/13 for Aerospace Engineering
GPA: 3.7 (4.0 at CC)
Pre-Reqs: Missing physics III and Materials Engineering (not offered here)
Local: No, Riverside County
EC: Honors Enrichment Program, Officer in Phi Theta Kappa, VP of math honors society, working part time

@Pablocruise thanks for the reply. Is there anything you can suggest to a cc student that wld help? The comp info systems class is of course a requirement for most other CSU’s and I will have taken that already. I will also apply for an entry level job at an accounting firm soon and hopefully that will help. Are their any other classes you recommend?

If you or your student have been offered admission, even if you haven’t accepted your offer yet, please consider joining the cal poly slo Mustang parent Facebook page. Lots of good info about the school and upcoming deadlines. It has over 14,000 members, including parents and students, so it’s a great community, even if you’re not normally a Facebook type.

Major: Software Engineering
GPA: 3.79
all pre-reqs done by spring

@Navea13 Did you get accepted today?

@transferingin321 No, just late post. Got notified on the 8th.