Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

thank you. My son received news that he was waitlisted today at Cal Poly SLO for industrial tech and packaging. He was accepted to UCSC. We are waiting like most for UCSD, UCSB and Cal > I know it says that they will let students know for SLO by July but does anyone have insights into the reality of when most waitlist students actually find out?

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Once the UC’s post decisions, it is possible to see some movement on the waitlist but usually after the SIR date of May 1. Applicants need to move forward and enroll in another school until they hear one way or another unfortunately.


My S just got waitlisted at Cal Poly. Going for business. 2nd in his class. UW 4.0, W 4.76, Cap 4.33. Needless to say, he’s dismayed. Not a good start to the rest of the day (UCLA, UCSD, UCI).

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Thanks and good to know, what is the source of this info?

The schools announced this themselves either in email or social media.

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Thank you… you are so helpful to all of us struggling to understand this madness. So basically you are saying that you would need to enroll in another school and then if you get off a waitlist for a higher preference schoool, you can accept but you would lose your deposit from the original school. Are there any other negative consequences of this scenario?

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The only negative about enrolling once you are admitted from the waitlist, is housing. Some schools do not guarantee housing for waitlisted applicants but SLO does guarantee housing for waitlisted admits.


you are the best. Thank you for all the information

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Waitlisted for kinesiology. I’m much sadder than she is, I think. This was my secret top-choice for her. 3.9 UW, 4 APs, 1 DE, 12 hours/week job, decent ECs. I think I stated it upthread but I wish we had known how competitive kinesiology is at SLO. She’s been accepted at SDSU, Chico, and Sonoma (with a scholarship!).

Still bummed though…


Cal Poly doesn’t report how many people are accepted off the waitlist, only how many enroll off the waitlist. Cal Poly’s yield is between 25% to 30% (acceptance to admits). Do you think yield numbers are applicable to waitlist numbers somehow? Maybe @Gumbymom knows more :slight_smile:

Do waitlists hit all at once in a day or roll out through the day?

Yes the waitlist states how many are admitted:

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 9829
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 978

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 8816
Number accepting a place on the waiting list:
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 4032

Number of qualified applicants offered a place on waiting list: 4976
Number accepting a place on the waiting list
Number of wait-listed students admitted: 67

Waitlist admits usually start after the May 1 SIR deadline, but if spots open up early, SLO will start pulling from the waitlist.

More information: Waitlist | Cal Poly

Good question. I wanted to know this as well.

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same here… no determination has been made at this time :frowning:


I just didn’t know if it goes on for a couple hours or what.

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I don’t know anything - first time going through this – but the admits seemed to trickle in over an hour or two. Meaning, people coming here to post their status. I have to assume they were all posted to the portals at the same time?

We checked as soon as we saw the first waitlist notice here and ours had updated to waitlist.

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has anyone received an email about waitlist status or is it only in the portal?

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Waitlisted for envi eng no email checked portal
Idk how to feel about this bc im not rejected but also what are the chances of actually getting off the wl

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Check the waitlist thread. Chances vary from year to year depending upon how many students enroll by May 1.

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