Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

SLO stated that all decisions should be out by April 1. If the applicant does not have a decision posted by Monday, I would call admissions.

That is what they are planning to do. Weird. Thanks.

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We went to a local Cal Poly event today, and were told that freshman are NOT first-come-first-served. That changes starting sophomore year, then it does switch to on-campus housing offered FCFS.


Congratulations to all who were accepted to Cal Poly. If you commit to attend, please remember that for some unknown reason, a high percentage of Cal Poly emails will end up in your junk/spam/promotions mail folder. Make sure to check ALL of your email folders.

Good luck in your future endeavors.


2 posts were split to a new thread: Help with choosing UCSB, UCD or CPP for EE?

2 posts were merged into an existing topic: Cal Poly Class of 2026 Freshman Waitlist Discussion

Just an FYI for our future CP freshman, D21 has lined up her sophomore housing in PCV today. The 2-year housing guarantee is really very nice to have and reduces the stress on both student and parent(s).


Does anyone know what the dorms are for the engineering students? Also what are they for the business students?

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My Freshman son is a Business major and is in Sierra Madre

This year, 2021-2022? CENG is in Yakitutu. My D21 is in CAFES, which is in Yosemite. But CP usually changes the housing placements for each school every year, so it’s often luck of the draw.

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Just signed my D up for SLO Days and housing. Does Cal Poly housing inform students later on when their move-in day or did I miss something?

how long did it take to fill out the application?

You move-in one of the two days (9/12-13) prior to WOW week starting on 9/14. You’ll sign up for move-in (date/time) later.

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Not long at all and super easy. Just need parent and emergency contact info. Plus, credit card to pay for SLO Days and bank account/credit to pay down payment for housing/dining plan.

I finally pulled money OUT of a 529 today! I was surprised that it actually felt really good. I was expecting the feeling to be neutral.


Do you by chance know if there are single rooms at any freshman dorms?

I do not know sorry. I would contact housing directly and ask especially if you need special accommodations for any health issues.


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Not in the freshman dorms, that I’m aware of, but you can get single rooms in Cero Vista and Poly Canyon Village.

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Anyone attending open house this weekend? We are! Excited to check it all out.