Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Ok so late to the game here re. Housing. Does anyone know if you get your housing prioritized by signing up today? 4/6

@CorriW - at the Denver accepted studentsā€™ day last weekend, we were told that there is no priority based on sign-up date for first year students, but that there is for continuing students. All first year students are guaranteed housing, and placement will depend on the selected RLC program (where any given RLC is housed in any given year will vary). Hope that helps!


Can an incoming Freshman choose colleges outside their major as a first and second choice for housing? If so, does that adversely affect priority (I assume not since it is lottery for all freshman?) Ie, can a student accepted into the college of Math and Science list the College of Engineering as first choice, College of Liberal Arts as second choice? Or must they list their college as a choice option?

I think the point of the college-based RLC is to live with other students from your college, but Iā€™d call housing and ask them the question. My bet is that they would suggest a non-college based RLC, like ā€œleadershipā€ or ā€œsubstance-freeā€ instead, if you donā€™t want to live with others from your college.

I do know that if you want to live in Honors housing, all roommates must be in the honors program.

Thank you, we will call. The goal here would be to cross-pollinate with people in other colleges, say liberal arts even if you are a Math student, and none of the other specific options listed is a great fit. Appreciate your thoughtful reply!

@LA_P - I was wondering the same thing. I would be interested to hear what they tell you when you call if you are willing to share. Thanks!

At the open house this weekend we heard you can dorm with other majors. A ME student said he was placed with business majors and loved it. Although one of the ME professors did say that itā€™s hard for some students to be outside their major since class rigor and study time would be different. I have not looked at the app yet so Iā€™m not sure if there is somewhere to request that or not.

We went to the Open House this weekend, CPSLO really puts on a nice show. While my daughter really liked it, it did not overtake her #1 choice.

For those on the Biomedical Engineering wait list, one spot will be opening up soon. I will add, the BMED staff and program seems outstanding based on our weekend, so enjoy your studies!


Just a reminder that all schools admit for more students than end up enrolling so freeing up a space is wonderful, but it does not affect the waitlist until a significant # of students decline enrollment.


Thank you. We were there for Aggies Day last weekend and liked it. My son will likely commit to it!

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If your student wants to live with students from another college, there is a way to increase the odds that happens: choose your roommate and allow that student to set up the housing group.

Example: My daughter is an Ag Business major. She made a connection with a student in the College of Engineering. My daughter filled out the housing application first and become roommate #1. They ended up living with all the C.A.F.E.S. (College of Ag, etc.) students in Cerro Vista. Her boyfriend had the opposite scenario. He was the invited roommate and ended up living in Yosemite with the Engineering students.

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Has anyone heard if the results for LOOP application came out?

Yes, the admissions office confirmed you can choose colleges outside the college of your major to list as first and second choices in the housing application. This is fairly common and many kids choose to room with students from other colleges. Side note: everyone I spoke with was so kind, helpful and informative!

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Well, one more spot opened up at SLO. My nephew committed to Miami of Ohio today. As a Californian I donā€™t understand it, but he lives in the midwest where no one has heard of Cal Poly and everyone has heard of Miami of Ohio. Yet here no one has heard of Miami of Ohio! Thereā€™s a Miami in Ohio? Who knew!

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If you follow many of the CC discussions, Miami of Ohio is a popular school which can be generous with financial aid.


Checked portal today and it changed from waitlisted to accepted :tada:. Architecture OOS 3.9 unweighted GPA, lots of AP, EC and a job.


Have honors decisions been released yet?

I was told that they were being released tonight. Donā€™t know if anyone has heard back yet.

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2 posts were split to a new thread: Cal poly SLO vs UCI EE major

We got notified today

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