Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

No. Tests are not “inherently biased.” How are math questions “inherently biased?”

What about CPA tests, Civil Engineering tests - are they “inherently biased”? We use standardized testing to assess a certain knowledge base in a fair way. We’ve done it for years.

This change is political - not rational.

No. Standardized tests are not biased. Certainly not more than teachers issuing grades to certain students who fit a certain mold. Isn’t there any potential for bias there?

SAT tests demonstrate ability - and at the very least give us some insight into the student’s potential outside a public school setting. Now, we have lost this measure of aptitude.

Further, without standardized testing, there is absolutely no check on runaway grade inflation. Previously, a student scoring As in a series of weighted math course who performed poorly on testing would raise eyebrows. Now, an underperforming school simply issues students an A - and nobody knows.

And if we continue the trend, someone “socially promoted” may make it where they shouldn’t. They may make it through a Civil Engineering program. The only way we’ll know they haven’t adequately mastered math is when a bridge collapses, or when a plane crashes, or when a patient’s heart stops - because they didn’t actually have the ability.

That is our future if we discard assessing our kids and our citizens on the basis of merit.


You can protest all you want but the CSU’s have gone permanently test blind as of last Wednesday’s vote. Maybe there will be a change of heart after a few years of student data, but for now it is what it is. If test blind does not play up to an applicants strengths then the applicant is free to consider other schools were test scores are considered as part of their application review.


The article does not bring to light any new information that cannot be found the SLO website regarding appeals.

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There’s plenty of research I’m sure on both sides of the testing issue, but we all play by the rules that are set in front of us. It’s not a debate forum to argue who’s wrong or right about testing. It is what it is.


I accepted my cal poly offer and they asked me to do a math placement survey. It had options for SAT math and SAT II math. By SAT math do they mean the subject test or the math section in normal SAT?

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Either one, SAT Math or Subject test.

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oh ok thanks

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Same here. D accepted at every OOS school she applied to, including 3 in Reach. One of them quoted a line from her essay too! Her only rejections are from some UC & SLO. All these smart, hardworking kids are going to do great, wherever they go. Good luck!

Thanks for all your great help. S got accepted to chemistry. He clicked to accept the spot and we think he did it right. He did this 2 days ago but there are no next steps. No email. The link now says you already rejected/accepted so we hope he did it right. Does he have to check his mail by chance. Anyone with similar experience?

He needs to manage his portal and check for updates. Cal Poly Web Login Service - Stale Request

Be sure to add to your contacts list to ensure that you are getting all of emails.

Have his received access to the housing application?

It takes 1-2 business days after you accept your offer of admission to view the Housing application. If you accept by April 1, you can apply on April 6.

What are you spamming people?

We went in and updated her email address to her personal to make sure we wouldn’t miss anything. Housing opens April 6th. Quarter plus is open now if interested, did you get an email? Definitely join the Cal Poly Mustang parent group on Facebook, you can search so much and ask this question there as well. It’s such a great resource.

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If she got waitlisted at UCI UCSD and UCLA she must be an amazing student. I bet she will get moved to accepted by at least one of them or Cal Poly/SLO. My older daughter (class of 2024) got moved from WL to accepted by UCSB a few days before May 1st, so it could even happen before May 1st.
Good luck to her !!

My younger daughter had her heart set on Cal Poly SLO too (she is waitlisted). At the moment it looks like she is probably going OOS somewhere that honestly has a better program for her major (environmental science) so perhaps it will end up being a blessing in disguise :woman_shrugging:t2:

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I went to UCD for biochemistry. Great school in a nice college town :slight_smile:
Good luck !


Thank you! :blush: Unfortunately SLO rejected her but she’s warming up to UCR and does have those waitlists going for UCI, UCLA and UCSD.

I hope all works out well for your daughter. :slightly_smiling_face:

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Is there an advantage to accepting prior to May 1st with regards to housing?

I’m not sure but my son accepted Friday. Nothing additional has come up in his portal yet except his scholarship and financial aid info.

He’s terribly excited! He will also run cross country there, which he would not have done at CP. So, happy for his outcome, but so many other deserving kids just didn’t get a spot. So certainly bittersweet.

A student I know is still waiting for their Cal Poly portal to be updated to find out their status. Are they delayed with the final notices?