Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

I’ve never seen Cal Poly notify via email over my past 7 years experience. It’s via a portal update. In-State usually starts to roll out 1-2 days after OOS. Your portal wil change from “No Determination has been made at this time” to “Congratulations, you are officially admitted to Cal Poly!..”


Has anyone OOS received an acceptance yet today?

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@snoops18 - We have not, but I can assure you that it’s not for lack of refreshing the portal :rofl:


Yes, one posted OOS acceptance about 40 minutes ago.

OOPS, CORRECTION, poster stated OOS, but is in school out of the US. I’m new to all this, sorry!

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Maybe not too many oos or internationals on CC

I believe it was an international acceptance!

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is it something like always OOS and International first before instate?

Yes! Read my previous post!


For admissions is it usually first day international student, then OOS, and then in state?

@Morganne_Chapman - I am not an expert on this, but if you filter the posts for an earlier post from @CaliMck15 , it seems that is how it has been done in previous years, so I think that is what is expected this year as well. It does, however, appear not to be a first day, second, third day sort of thing… from what I understand, international acceptances have been spread over the last few days/weeks, OOS decisions are expected next (timing TBD), and in-state decisions would follow OOS but may be spaced out by some number of days from the initial OOS decisions. (Anyone more in the know, feel free to correct me if I have any of that wrong!)

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International decisions trickle out starting in December then a wave of OOS end of February/Early Match followed by in-state at least for the last few years.


Just checked my OOS S22’s portal and no update.


Is the Cal Poly SLO portal and Pomona portal the same? I only have one email that says something like “Your Cal Poly Portal is Ready” or something like that

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No, each school has their own portal. Check your spam folder.


Has anyone received a notice to check your portal yet?

For those tracking portal updates, I see a new dropdown list at the top with a “0”. When I click on it, I see “You do not have any new notifications”.

Looks like that might be a precursor to showing notifications soon!

Is it just me, or are any California residents miffed that non-CA residents find out first? I know I am whining, I just need some movement on my son’s decisions!


You mean is anyone miffed that CA residents find out last? As a lifelong Californian, YES!


Oh yes absolutely! Either put them all out at the same time or in-state first. It’s bad enough we already have to wait this long when other states are able to give decisions months earlier. And another question, when they do finally post decisions, I heard it’s in waves too? So if you aren’t in the first “wave” of acceptances, you could still be admits few weeks later? What’s up with that?


Is there any update on OOS students?