Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Yes- corrected my post:). I am a CA resident as well!


@CMCMLM - I have an OOS applicant, and I am miffed on your behalf. It seems bonkers to me that itā€™s not in-state first. That said, I will sheepishly admit that I am relieved I will be waiting just a little less than in-state applicants (even if I think thatā€™s unjust)


Your post made me laugh. Thank you for being miffed on our behalf. And we will try not to begrudge you your earlier notification.


I guess oos get preferential treatment because they pay much higher fees


I follow the Cal Poly BRAE Facebook page and they have a post about accepting some FFA state officers already.


Yes thatā€™s what my daughter said. I think Out of state may know today.


Acronyms? Not following what this meansā€¦ lol

Bio resource ag engineering


Knowing about your admission status a day or two is worth 16K/yr?
In Minnesota right now, the U is giving OOS students as much as 8K/yr more in merit than in state students, for some arcane reasons known only to the school. I can assure you that is much more painful than having to wait a day or two before knowing if you are accepted.

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At least you can get into your in-state school. For extremely qualified California students to get into any state school of their choice in California is becoming virtually impossible. That is real pain. And with no real chance of significant financial aid. Canā€™t try to figure out how to pay for a school that you canā€™t get into, despite having the qualifications.


we do as wellā€¦OOS here


I am sure many of these oos/intl applicants threw in apps for the UCs, so not sure why the different release dates. I like GTechā€™s EA way of doing things- instate first then oos a month later.


From NH hereā€¦nothing after the Portfolio request in late January.

I was responding to someone who was claiming how unfair it was to wait an extra day or two for notification of admission. If you want to talk about the California School system in general and how unfair it is for Californians in general, that might better be talked about on the main boards, but I can assure you that going to school in California is no bargain for OOSā€™ers.


The difference is that California applicants pay taxes to support our state universities


For some extremely impacted majors like Computer Science for example at Cal Poly SLO it appears to be less than 10% chance for resident to get accepted. It appears this is most impacted major. Many super qualified California candidates will not get accepted for Computer Science. However, some majors like Ag and Industrial Engineering the acceptance rates is 90%. No real chance of significant financial aid? My daughter was offered to apply for a $32k Scholarship at SDSU. She in top 1% of her class of 500 kids. She we I wonā€™t qualify for Fafsa grants, but a buddy of mine whose family income is about $180k got a fafsa grant for his daughter last year. The state loves out of state students, because the pay a lot more tuition. Iā€™m 99% my daughter will get into Cal Poly Slo because sheā€™s a top candidate and her major has about a 38% acceptance is my educated guess. I just hope she can get $30k scholarship at Cal Poly, I think she has a good chance. Good luck all, I figure Iā€™ll get confirmation that my daughter has been accepted soon. Out of state students, international students welcome and thanks for helping keep my costs down. The reason international students are notified, the out of state followed, by state I believe is the numbers. Thereā€™s a tiny pool of international, followed by out of state, followed state. Itā€™s not preferencial treatment. Good luck all, Iā€™m fully consumed by the process. Happy Friday


It is very common to give OOS students more in merit aid than in-state students get. It helps off-set the excessive OOS tuition and helps the schools attract top students who will still pay more than in-state.


Scholarships for OOS students at Cal Poly are minimal and there is no offsetting the cost to make it more attractive. SLO is great and honestly they do not need it. Compared to other OOS options, it is reasonable. My son is a junior OOS and received 1k a year.


Thereā€™s friendly Californiaā€™s here and on this board and Iā€™m one of them!! Welcome fellow Americans and international students!! California has gotten swamped with people and our infrastructure and colleges havenā€™t kept up and are way behind, so itā€™s extremely frustrating!!


I just made D21ā€™s final payment (3rd Quarter) at SLO and the ā€œall inā€ cost for 1-year is/was around $24,500. As a CA taxpayer, I think thatā€™s a really great deal all things considered in todayā€™s college landscape.