Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Maybe it went to you spam / junk folder?

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I wish both Cal Poly and UW participated in WUE. That way the CA kids could afford UW, and the UW kids could afford Cal Poly. Instead, many kids end up going where the tuition is cheaper, but not necessarily where they want to go.


So true, that would be great! Sometimes I wish we were given an ā€œin state tokenā€ and could trade with someone in another state!


I literally just said that to my daughterā€¦ they should be giving out spots that you can ā€œtransferā€ to someone else lol ! that way all those kids that get multiple offers can choose the one they want and pass the others alongā€¦ thereby spreading the joy around to those who donā€™t get any:). Would be really nice to turn this horrendous process into something nicerā¤ļø


That guess is looking pretty good right now. I think their office closed at 5 pm


anyone know when does SLO send out the decisions?

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Thatā€™s pretty much all everyone has been talking about all week.


Based on previous years, they could start making announcements next week. But weā€™ve been warned that it is a long process. They donā€™t announce all at once. Itā€™s a trickleā€¦ through March.


any chance we start finding out tomorrow?


My guess is OOS starts rolling out on Thursday, March 3 and In-state a day or two after that.

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Last year OOS admits started the 4th Monday in February (the 22nd) followed by in-state on February 23. So OOS could start today? I hope soā€¦ Iā€™m so tired of the waiting.


My gut says @CaliMck15 is probably right about Thursday, but I would be much happier if @DeannaJo is right and we start hearing today. I am with you 100% on the waiting-fatigue. This is my first time through the process since my own applications many moons ago. I donā€™t remember it feeling like such a long, slow slog when I was an applicant, but I am sure time has dimmed the memories; I was probably just as impatient then. Back then, though, once the mail came for the day there was nothing else to check until the next dayā€™s mail. Now I am making myself nuts checking portals. I should just step away from the computerā€¦ :slight_smile:


excellent point about snail mail vs today!


Another interesting tidbit I found from last yearā€™s thread is that ordering of result notifications may be by college. - Agriculture , Architecture , Engineering ā€¦ Not sure if that did transpire last year or not or whether it will have any bearing on the order of notification this year.


Iā€™m having fantasies about DS finding out he was admitted while heā€™s on the SLO tour on Friday (morning tour, of course.) REALLY hoping this tour doesnā€™t get his hopes up just in time to get rejected. Heā€™s in at CPP right now for CS, has just finished his honors college application, and is really happy and enthusiastic about that. Just wish I had a crystal ball to be able to go on, or cancel, the tour based on something solid.


Siennared, I understand what you are saying for 2021. I do know that for the 2020 notifications, it was not by college, as it seemed ā€œonesie-twosieā€ across various majors. Not sure what they will do this year.

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There is a SLO Reddit page and there is a couple posts on there about people being accepted last week.

Those seem to be international admits

international decision notifications have been happening over the past several weeks. Have you seen any In country, out of state notifications?

Not that I can confirm.