Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

EDIT — UW - Daughter was just accepted. :partying_face::partying_face:. But she doesn’t want to go - too close to home (20 mins). But it’s an amazing in-state option. (I was responding to someone who asked when UW was coming out.)


Congrats. Can you please share the major? Also, when you say “just accepted” do you know when exactly your portal updated and did you get an email?

Cal poly slo?

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So I’m curious and I guess a little down, but I see a random post here and on another site about kids that have been accepted both in state and OOS, and knowing that CalPoly waits to send rejections last (this is an awful practice BTW) what are the chances that they actually have been releasing acceptances and that nobody that has been posting here has been accepted and we just don’t know it yet? :disappointed:
SLO has been my daughters first choice for years! She does have a back up school we like and has already paid the housing deposit there and she got into honors college and engineering dorm, but she went on a second tour there today and just CANT get excited until she knows the outcome either way. It’s really putting a damper on her senior year.
This whole process that “you will know if you are rejected by April 1st but if you are accepted you will know before then” is just awful, and I can’t make any sense of it. Is there a reason why they do it this way? Can’t they just post all the yes and no at the same time?
Ok rant over, sorry :disappointed:


Accepted where? CP or Washington???

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Don’t mean to be creepy but a quick “goog” search shows Randi is from WA, so probably a UW offer.


Yeah UW came out. Just denied from UW for CS from California. Apparently they have an OSS CS admit rate of 3% which is insane

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I think he meant UW, because he posted the same thing on the UW post. (Probably my fault for referring to the UW acceptances coming in on the CP SLO forum)

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Omg. Sorry. UW!!

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Sorry. UW.

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Yes. Sorry. UW.


Hi, can I ask what backup college your daughter got into? I’m only wondering because you mentioned you paid for housing deposit already. My daughter was also accepted into a few but we are waiting on others, do I still need to secure housing now?

Sorry, but I have been on CC for 10 years and the way SLO rolls out decisions has not changed during that time, Meaning they drag out the results. I am not aware of any Cal State that posts all decisions on one day. A few UC’s do that but not the Cal States.


I personally just want to make some sense of it. What is the advantage to SLO for doing it this way, when many other universities have found a way to announce all at once? Has the same person been in charge of admissions for the last ten years and just does things the same way every year due to laziness? Or is there some competitive advantage? Do they think this process creates a buzz that enhances their status? Nobody here has these answers, but this is what I’d love to know.


Pure speculation, but releasing admits first gives them a chance to see who immediately accepts the offer. While many will wait until they have all the answers on Mar 31, there are some for whom it is their #1 and will jump to accept. It’s a data point, and if they have been doing it for years, it is a data point that allows them some prediction of the current year’s yield so that they can send out the next wave in a more informed manner.


Don’t beat yourself up trying to make sense of the decision timeline or why/how they make decisions. It is their prerogative to do it the way they want.

For all, when admission decisions are released at SLO (as well as other colleges), take a step back before comparing your child to others. People on CC, and in your community, often calculate GPA incorrectly or share selective information that elicits a response - posting things like “OMG I can’t believe I got in with such low stats” or “I cured cancer and was still rejected.” Find a way to let your children know how proud you are and that you know they will be successful in the future, wherever they go.


I was so hoping they would have decisions out before Spring Break so we would know whether to add SLO as a stop on a West Coast visit. Looks unlikely.


It may just be easier in terms of administrative effort and technology. We’re in Texas and the Texas state schools also have waves of admission with most rejections coming out later than admissions.

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I am thinking the same thing. People on this board seem to think that because no one here has heard, that decisions aren’t out. Sounds like they very well could have started. :woman_shrugging:t2:


ZeeMee app for SLO has been quite and there is a few hundred students for Fall 22’ that are part of the chat. Perhaps a few international students have gotten acceptances, but that’s it as of now.