Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

Wow! Thanks so much. I just found this group today and it has been so helpful. I really wish all our students could get accepted. I went to Cal Poly for Undergraduate and my Graduate work and it is truly a magical place. I still keep in touch with some of my professors. They have shared that it has become so incredibly competitive (which we all can feel… I am sure).


Do they only post admissions decisions on certain days/times? Is it usually after school, or only during business hours, etc?

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The reason not to accept immediately would be because you are still waiting for decisions from other schools.


Are decisions going to come out today?

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I think we all would love that, but no, I have not heard anything like that happening.

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Honestly, couldn’t tell you. Just hoping.


I would think today would be as good as any since they are already behind last year, and the housing application opens in 3 1/2 weeks and the new student open house is 4 weeks away. If they are going to trickle out admissions, waitlists and rejections over a few weeks I would hope they would start soon so people can plan. Wishful thinking maybe.


I think the UCB thing made them rethink acceptance numbers.


This is so frustrating! Daughter admitted at another cal state school and admitted students day is coming up. They really don’t allow for making plans for OOS students. Thy almost want to weed people out


Agree and bc they admit by major they probably have to really analyze which ones would be impacted by Cal.


Several people have said they have released on a Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, so maybe tomorrow??

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Who knows, I give up trying to figure it out. My kid is making herself sick and so depressed with not knowing what her future plans are either way. Can’t get excited or move forward on second choice- everything is just on hold so I’m just going to drink and recite the serenity prayer over and over until something gives. Good luck all! :v:t2::wine_glass::latin_cross::crossed_fingers:t2:


It’s a big factor atleast from what I’ve read on the website. They prioritize taking local students over OOS.

Just wondering how many people here are also waiting for UCs’ decision. Just curious what difference would it makes to you if SLO release today or on the same date at UCB (3/24)?


@Carrtwinmom - I am on board with that approach :slight_smile:
Wishing you and your daughter the best.


While DS applied to a bunch of UCs, we’re not waiting on them. SLO was his first choice and the last piece of info we need. He already got into CPP which is second choice, so we no longer care about the other schools. I say “was” his first choice because he’s done a tour of CPP and has fallen in love with the honors college. He hasn’t toured SLO yet, so right now he’s leaning toward CPP. If he’s accepted to SLO, we’ll do the visit and get more info for him and then let him make up his mind. I figure SLO will win after a visit. But I could also be wrong about that.

I have to keep reminding myself that even if the results start coming out for SLO, that doesn’t mean we’ll find out at that time. The nature of the slow roll-out of info will be torturous for many and we could very well be in that.


It was kind of what I was thinking when my older son was applying college. Get his first choice school with the major he applied and call it done. Then, when he and his friend got all decisions, then the “thinking” start all over again. Should I choose another school so I can got with “John”? Or should I choose a difference school with a difference major?, How about a tour at the school before making the decision? etc… This time, I am going to wait for all the decision before spending time talking about it with DS- just to make my life easier…


So true. Cal Poly is not my son’s first choice, though would be perfectly fine. We are waiting to hear from all UCs that haven’t yet released. Gonna be a long month — would just be nice to have this one in his back pocket. :blush:


CP is the only in state school my daughter applied to. She has friends at Davis and and doesn’t like the campus, too big. She will be an engineering major but didn’t want Berkeley, doesn’t like the vibe and the housing situation at basically every UC is ridiculous and expensive. Not saying CP isn’t, but with two years guaranteed on campus and it’s always been her dream school, we figured we will make it work if she gets in. She has the stats, but it’s such a lottery anymore. So basically it’s either CP or she’s going out of state.

This just came through today. Perhaps this is what they have been waiting for before sending out acceptance.