Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

My buddy’s dad taught aerospace engineering after retiring from Boeing at Cal Poly SLO. My buddy graduated there himself. Every engineer I know who graduated and my young physics graduate neighbor across the street, thoroughly enjoyed their education and the college experience at SLO!!! It’s a great place to go for an education and the campus and surrounding area is very mellow, not a crowded, busy, urban setting. I will be spending a great deal of time around there, and Atascadero, Paso Robles, Fort Hunter Liggett, and the vast national forest.

From the Cal Poly website: "Incoming students in Fall 2022 would pay an additional college specific fee amount ranging from $614 - $864/year; this represents a 6% to 8.5% annual increase of total tuition and fees. These students will continue to pay the same college-based fee throughout their undergraduate tenure at Cal Poly; subsequent cohorts would pay an additional 4.9% to 7.7% annual increase of total tuition and fees compared to the previous cohort for years 2, 3 and 4.

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I think it stays where it was the first year. CP’s FAQ states:
“Incoming students in Fall 2022 would pay an additional college specific fee amount ranging from $614 - $864/year; this represents a 6% to 8.5% annual increase of total tuition and fees. These students will continue to pay the same college-based fee throughout their undergraduate tenure at Cal Poly; subsequent cohorts would pay an additional 4.9% to 7.7% annual increase of total tuition and fees compared to the previous cohort for years 2, 3 and 4.”

I paid $25,000 this year as a full pay for my D21. Just looking at tuition, housing and dining, Davis and Santa Cruz are in the neighborhood of $32,000-$33,000/year.

So, 4 years from now, SLO will cost $28,500? If so, still seems like a deal, since A) 60% of the increase will go to financial aid, helping to be more competitive with the UC’s, and B) the UC’s may probably be raising their cost of attendance as well.

Also, gas is $6/gallon now. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


The quote comparing Cal Poly to the UC’s is usually more about the caliber of the education, rather than the particular style or methodology. Cal Poly is very often compared to the UC’s for undergrad degrees. That’s just a fact. It has been that way for a very long while. If you speak to the high school counselors and teachers, you will hear that comparison often. It was the single most common comment I heard from people when my kids chose to attend. By 2026, that will probably not be the saying anymore.

Was this from a source in admissions?

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People will pay it, that’s for sure. Cal Poly has the most affluent demographics of any public school in California.

The increase will change the equation a bit, though. When my son started at Cal Poly in 2017, it was only a couple thousand more than Sac State and just a thousand more than Sonoma State. Cal Poly was about $8000 less than UC Davis. However, even by the time my daughter enrolled at Cal Poly in 2020, the cost of housing and the slightly higher tuition had already made Cal Poly a bit distanced from most CSU’s (except San Diego State).

Eventually, I think it will price itself just under the UC’s and moderately above the other CSU’s. Say 10-15% less than the UC’s, 20% or so above the average CSU.

And that’s what the increase seems to be trying to change. Full pay fees will be going up and more financial aid will be given out in order for more lower-to-middle income students to attend, if I read it correctly.

Also, 40% of the increase is going towards “academic opportunities.” I’m not sure what that means, but it sounds good. :grinning:

Anonymous sources and lots of interpretations.

I attended an online session last month explaining the fees. My understanding was that this other 40% basically goes toward faculty retention. There is quite a disparity with similar schools such as UC.


For engineering Cal Poly Slo over Davis for me, by far, for wanting a solid engineering BS, be set degree. Theoretical? Probaby Davis. Cal Poly Slo is the diamond in the rough of California public colleges for engineering for many. Your mileage may differ. I’ll poney up the money when my kid could stay home and go to SDSU for nothing if she gets the scholarship. Cal Poly Slo is $120,000 better than SDSU for my kid. Ouch!!!, um yep. UCLA is an exceptional college, but crowded, huge classes, professors don’t know students. I have a young UCLA engineering graduate and he’s exceptional!!

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It means I’m paying more in taxes and tuition and getting no financial aid? I think? Faculty retention mean more money and benefits to keep up with the UC Jones’s. Then the UCs will want more money because the the CSUs get more money.
Just another day in paradise!!! :cowboy_hat_face:

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if you have a student at cal poly you would understand what it means. Learn by doing isn’t just a slogan. I haven’t heard the increase in fees described as going to faculty as much as programing that the faculty decides upon. Cal Poly is an incredible value for the education you receive. @Bill2


Per this presentation, you can find various statements about salaries and hiring if you search for “faculty” or “teacher”. For example:

  1. “Cal Poly’s faculty salaries are lagging behind those of other institutions.”

  2. “…the Teacher-Scholar Model. In addition to teaching, faculty are also scholars, creators, and performers in their fields. To support their scholarship,
    we need funds to pay for additional tenure track faculty, research assistants
    and time allocated to pursue research, scholarship and creative endeavors.”


You misunderstood me. My daughter will attend in the fall, cal poly slo is her first pick. I got a lot of friends who sent their kids there for the hands on engineering. My good buddy graduated cal poly in mid 80s. His parents moved up there in 90s after his dad retired from Boeing and he taught aerospace. I’m old school traditionalist, so this is FANTASTIC!! It’s a great bargain for me without any financial aid or help. Most Cal State Universities aren’t anything to write home about, except Cal Poly Slo, it’s a diamond in the rough for engineering in California!! I hope the school doesn’t get ruined and my son can go in a few years!!

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It’s definitely coming tomorrow


When did she get her acceptance?


Just wishful thinking or do you have some insider information? I hope it’s true!


What makes you think it’s tomorrow?? Hoping you are right!


In the next couple of weeks.