Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026

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What’s a Cal Poly Scholar?


Cal Poly Humboldt, the newest Cal Poly in California, accepts applications via the CSU portal until February 28, 2022, and it has many great degree and credential programs for students still looking for a solid place to land in Fall 2022.

My daughter and I just returned from a campus visit at SLO and the admissions officer said we would typically get notified mid-March. I imagine it also depends on major?

In-state acceptances went out 2/23 last year. And I don’t believe releases are by school or major. But @Gumbymom please correct me, if I’m wrong.


I hope it’s earlier, we’re on pins and needles over here!

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My D21 loves it there. It was her top choice.

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SLO use to post decisions by SLO college, but the last few years they have not done it this way. For the last couple admission cycles, OOS admits hear first followed by in-state (usually the next day or two).


When do they hear? End Feb or mid March?

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Last year, I believe OOS (not international) decisions were rolled out on Feb 22nd and the in-state started rolling a day later

That’s correct.

And waitlisted applicants began posting on 3/4/2021.

Those are optional questions on the Cal State app. Not required nor part of the school decision.

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Still doesn’t answer my question.

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They under promise and over deliver is what one of the Admissions clerks told me. After researching this forum and other SLO threads I’m super confident my daughter will get accepted and offered to apply for a scholarship, because of her major and the multi criteria application they used to use and may still use. Unfortunately, the results have been and will be sent out in waves, with some randomness. And there is no guarantee. I just hope we find out quickly, because this is her top pick. However, I’m prepared to wait long into March for the results, worst case scenario. This forum is a great wealth of knowledge!!! Cheers!! Bill


Clearly answers your “question”. The school does not use it as a deciding factor for admittance.

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No, it’s easier for OOS. There was an article in the SLO Tribune a couple of years ago that had the OOS acceptance rate at 58%. This SLO Tribune article from 2019 quoted the OOS rate for Washington state at 64.5%.

Back then, if you were applying from Arkansas, the acceptance rate was 100%. :man_shrugging:

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Sorry people, just a quick question. Does anyone knows if there are any early indications/ indicators that one most likely will be admitted to Cal Poly Slo ? Say like CalPoly Pomona sends invites to apply for “Kellogg Honors” and or “UCLA Prospective Undergraduate Student Scholarships” invite etc… ?

I don’t want to burst your bubble but I know very high stats kids who have not gotten into Cal Poly. One was a 4.8 GPA, 1560 SAT, double digit APs including Physics C/Calc/Chem who got into UCLA and UCSB who was waitlisted for CS and never came off the waitlist. This was in the class of 2020. I know a 4.7 from our high school, numerous APs, who was turned down for Biomedical Engineering in 2019. He ended up attending UCSD. Some speculate Cal Poly might practice yield protection and turn down super high stats kids who are likely to choose a UC over Cal Poly but who knows. If you look at the reddit group called Applying to College you’ll see a lot of high stats kids who got rejected by Cal Poly yet admitted into Berkeley and UCLA. I’d certainly hope for the best but try to prepare yourself to hear the worst.