Cal Poly SLO Fall 2022 Admissions - Class of 2026


Care to share some stats? Thanks.

Thanks for pointing that out. that’s the regular CSU GPA and not the Cal Poly GPA, which includes 9th grade, correct?

Many are posting stats here: Cal Poly SLO Freshman Stats Only Class of 2026

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Would love to know some stats. Thanks.


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Admitted to Gen. Engineering, OOS


So… looking at flights for 4/7-4/9. Wow.


Daughter admitted. Psychology. OOS. Unweighted 3.98. Weighted 4.2 capped. Lots of APs, extracurricular, etc.


i believe her weighted gpa was 4.33 but capped at the 4.2 if that matters

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Last year my son was accepted to SLO but I heard that they will sometimes deny kids with higher GPAs because they think they will go to a UC. My senior son has a 4.6 applied as an anthropology major and has not heard. I am wondering if he might not get in? Does anyone have insight into this?


Not entirely true, they only look at grades and coursework so they will accept the best applicants rigor-wise! I got in with the same GPA.


My Kid was admitted tonight into Biochemistry. Email was at 7:15, hadn’t checked the portal before that. In state, NorCal public school

If I’m using Rogerhub correctly the CSU CalPoly GPA is:
Unweighted 3.97
Weighted 4.24
Capped Weighted 4.24

6 years language, 5 years math, 5 years science
12 IB courses, 8 Honors, 1 DE


My HS was outside of USA, so my head spinns seeing all these GPA’s graded higher than 4, why it is sooo difrent than comunity college GPA ? What is the meaning of weighed or unweighted?? )) caped ? How do I translate/equate say 4.5 HS gpa to CC gpa ? :flushed: … I will understand if you want to kick my butt lol but please explain first lol :laughing:

Son admitted to second choice, materials engineering.
In state, not local.
Unweighted 4.0, weighted 4.33.
Email came at 7:11 PM this evening.


D22 accepted! Liberal Studies, in state 4.0 HS GPA, 2 community college courses


Yes we booked our flights from Seattle to SLO the day they announced the weekend. Many kids from our area end up flying in/out of San Jose because the prices are so high around any school events or breaks.


They don’t deny kids with higher GPAs. (They invite them to apply for the Honors Program.) Some of the majors are just very competitive.

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Has very rigorous classes 13 AP,3 dual enrollment, AP distinction with honors, all other classes honors. Doesn’t really make sense!

Portal was around 4:00 p.m. email went to spam at 6:57 pm.


Open House April 7-9.

Senior prom is on April 8. OOS. Aaaaaahhh

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